From Waterboarding to Watermarking: CIA Implants MS Docs to Track Whistleblowers

The CIA is using a beacon that watermarks Microsoft Word documents to track whistleblowers, journalists, informants, and other targets of…

7 years ago

Rwanda, Microsoft Partnership to Digitally Transform Education, Produce Global Citizens

In an effort to produce global citizens, Rwanda's partnership with Microsoft will see a digital transformation in the education system…

7 years ago

The Kayak of Online Streaming Platforms With One Algorithm to Rule Them All

One single algorithm allows users to search across multiple streaming platforms including Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Vudu, YouTube, and more. (more…)

7 years ago

Terence McKenna’s cyberdelic evolution of consciousness as it relates to AI

If AI doesn't have the ethics of Buddha, Terence McKenna once said, then the human race may be down for…

7 years ago

Down the Rabbit Hole: Top 3 Alternative Theories on AI with Mainstream Concerns

Without labeling them conspiracy theories out of respect for the authors, nor looking to endorse any particular idea, we present the top…

7 years ago

MI5, CIA used Samsung Smart TVs to secretly listen-in on conversations: WikiLeaks

WikiLeaks reveals that both British and American intelligence agencies used an implant on Samsung TVs to secretly listen-in on user…

7 years ago

How to Keep up on Mobile Payment Security as Societies Go Cashless

Nowadays mobile payment apps have made life of common man easier, by offering a platform for making payments for almost…

7 years ago

9 Incredible, Free Lifestyle Apps Of 2017

Apps have quickly become something we rely on everyday while we’re working, at the gym, making up a dinner, and…

7 years ago

Ballmer’s USAFacts, black budget projects, and tracking unofficial govt spending

Former Microsoft CEO and current LA Clippers owner Steve Ballmer unveils USAFacts to report on government spending, drawing data exclusively from…

7 years ago

Outlaw Snowden Lectures Law Students: ‘There is no oath of secrecy in the US’

Whistleblower Edward Snowden appears via video call to give a lecture on civil rights, privacy, and surveillance to students at William…

7 years ago

Artificial Intelligence Market Growing at 63%, Expected to Reach $16B by 2022: Report

The Artificial Intelligence market is expected to reach $16 billion by the year 2022 and will continue to grow at a…

7 years ago

Ridley Scott’s film studio launches VR division to accompany blockbuster hits

Ridley Scott's RSA Films announces the launch of RSA VR, and Alien: Covenant will be its first official project. (more…)

7 years ago

Council on Integrity Taps Coding Bootcamp DevMountain to Build Student Trust

Coding bootcamp DevMountain is selected to join a newly-established education watchdog that ensures students aren't deceived about job placement after…

7 years ago

Intercultural Understanding: The Key to Global Harmony in 2017

Racial and cultural tensions are simmering all over the globe. From the rise of far right sentiments in Europe following…

7 years ago

The Story Of Artificial Intelligence As Told By The Ancient Mayan Popol Vuh

According to the Mayan holy book, the Popol Vuh, mankind was an Artificial Intelligence created as an experiment that would…

7 years ago

iXperience Has Re-invented the Study Abroad Experience for Business, Tech Students

Recently, Ford announced a $1 billion investment in artificial intelligence (AI) toward the cars of the future. While many consumers…

7 years ago

Puerto Rico’s Parallel18 accelerator offering $40K grants to 40 startups for 4th gen.

Backed by the government of Puerto Rico, accelerator Parallel18 is accepting applications for its fourth generation of startups. (more…)

7 years ago

Visa Tech: Chile is streamlining 15 day visa process for foreign startups, tech workers

Chile is doubling-down on tech and entrepreneurship by granting visas within 15 days for foreigners looking to work in the country.…

7 years ago

Overcoming the 3 biggest challenges startups face in software development

In the world of software development for startups, hiring talent and prioritization are the biggest challenges, according to the latest report…

7 years ago

CIA Developed Marble Framework to Cover its Tracks, Capable of Faking Russian Hacking

The CIA developed an anti-forensic framework to cover its tracks that could make it seem like cyberattacks came from other…

7 years ago