Innovation Outreach: Boston to unpack global impact of disruptive technologies

5 years ago

This month marks the next chapter in the Innovation Outreach program, as tech leaders will meet in Boston to discuss…

National AI Research Institutes launches with $200M in grants for societal benefit

5 years ago

The National Artificial Intelligence Research Institutes is launching today to fund $200 million in grants over the coming years, which…

Computer vision can ID weapons in real-time, reduce school shooting reaction time

5 years ago

Preventing school shootings outright is damn near impossible, but with computer vision technology, reaction times can be significantly improved. (more…)

Inclusivity and diversity are the answer to bias-free AI in smart beauty technology

5 years ago

Two tech and beauty companies have come together in promoting inclusivity and diversity as the answers to bias-free AI in…

Technology and the loneliness of young generations on Brains Byte Back

5 years ago

We can all relate to feeling alone at some point or another, but for younger generations this is a sensation…

FindMeBahamas launches to find missing people after Hurricane Dorian

5 years ago

Today, facial recognition and blockchain are united with the launch of FindMeBahamas, a platform dedicated to finding missing people following…

Applying inclusivity to brush away bias in the digital beauty industry

5 years ago

A woman of color applying inclusivity to bias-prone AI in the industry of digital beauty – how hard can it…

Technology’s relationship with unauthorized immigration, border security

5 years ago

No matter what side of the unauthorized immigration and border security debate you're on, technology plays a major role in…

A peek into the social adoption of blockchain technology

5 years ago

While the financial sector is lapping up blockchain technology, social sectors, too are eyeing the tech for various causes. (more…)

Distributed ledger tech is facing a ‘significant education gap’

5 years ago

Distributed ledger technology's popularity is clearly growing, but an education gap is preventing organizations from realizing its full potential. (more…)