How to retain more information, improve recall & learn new language (podcast)

We now have access to more information at our fingertips than ever before. YouTube videos, podcasts, audiobooks -- all of…

4 years ago

An international affair: 10 startups from around the globe to pitch at Founder Showcase

Startups hailing from 10 different cities across three continents will pitch at the upcoming Founder Showcase, the flagship quarterly startup…

4 years ago

DARPA wants AI to improve portable ultrasound devices for direct use on the battlefield

DARPA is taking a stab at improving portable ultra-sound devices with AI to respond to injuries in real-time directly on…

4 years ago

Bitcoin FOMO: How our psychology drives the price of Bitcoin (podcast)

In today's episode, we will explore how the Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO), alongside other psychological factors, influences the price…

4 years ago

China’s digital currency will help CCP punish or coerce citizens with social credit system: CNAS report

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is developing a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) that will allow the government to surveil,…

4 years ago

‘Freedom & democracy’ missing from great reset agenda: Brazil’s foreign minister tells WEF president

Brazil's Minister of Foreign Affairs Ernesto Araujo says he's not a fan of the great reset, telling World Economic Forum…

4 years ago

YouTube CEO Wojcicki explains what went down with Trump suspension & where it’s at today: WEF

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki tells the World Economic Forum (WEF) that due to "concerns of violence," we'll have to "wait…

4 years ago

Cannabis accelerator program to boost early-stage marijuana startups

Budding cannabis startups around the world will have a new resource to turn to as they get their businesses off…

4 years ago

Changing the ‘chatter’ of our inner voice from destructive to productive (podcast)

As Elon Musk's Neuralink and other implantable brain-machine interfaces continue to advance, it seems like we will soon be living in…

4 years ago

Globalists embrace leveraging social media, location & behavioral data for alternative credit scoring

Alternative Credit Scoring is about leveraging big data to analyze not just financial histories, but social behaviors as well, which…

4 years ago

Apply to showcase your startup at Connect: Creative

Digital public relations firm Publicize is on the hunt to feature six startups operating in the fast-thriving creative industry at…

4 years ago

WHO says govts shouldn’t use COVID passports for international travel as public & private sectors prep rollouts

The World Health Organization (WHO) says it's still too early for governments to implement COVID passports for international travel. Meanwhile,…

4 years ago

‘Gateway to Growth’: Innovation hub launches in Canada’s capital

A state-of-the-art global technology centre will arrive in Canada’s capital, Ottawa, and it aims to support growth on a global…

4 years ago

UK think tank is crowdsourcing evidence on digital health passport risks & benefits for government rollouts

UK-based Ada Lovelace Institute is gathering evidence on the legal, ethical, social, and health challenges of deploying digital health passports and…

4 years ago

Founder Institute opens applications for international startup pitch competition in February

Pre-seed stage startups looking to kick off 2021 by getting exposure to international investors, media and technology leaders, listen up!…

4 years ago

Brain Plasticity: How technology, environments, and language change our brains

Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku once said, “The human brain has 100 billion neurons, each neuron connected to 10,000 other neurons.…

4 years ago

Tackling coastal erosion & flooding with reef-mimicking structures for national ‘Reefense’

To cut down on coastal erosion, flooding, and storm damage, the Pentagon's research funding arm is looking to develop reef-mimicking…

4 years ago

‘The great reset will dramatically expand the surveillance state via real-time tracking’: Ron Paul

Ron Paul denounces the World Economic Forum's (WEF) great reset agenda, stating, "The great reset will dramatically expand the surveillance…

4 years ago

Software that predicts employee burnout through language

Imagine being at your computer, busy with work and on the brink of burnout, when you receive a message that…

4 years ago

Adeo Ressi develops card game to save humanity from impending doom 

Adeo Ressi, a serial founder turned investor and entrepreneur advocate, is developing a card game for humanity, which offers an…

4 years ago