‘At this rate the African elephant will be extinct in 11 years’: conservation tech lab

6 years ago

Faced with the ever-present threat of poaching, conservancies, game reserves, and national parks in Africa are gearing themselves up with…

Exposing echo chambers to eradicate the plague of propaganda

6 years ago

Five years after Dmytro Potekhin's 48 horrendous days in captivity at the hands of pro-Russian terrorists in Ukraine, the civic activist…

Alexa will hear you now: voice assistants will ’empower nurses, physicians, clinicians’

6 years ago

The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) aims to reduce demand on the British health service via health advice provided by…

As big tech and govts differ over hate speech, should AI neutralize it?

6 years ago

As big tech platforms and governments have their own policies on hate speech, should society task AI with neutralizing it…

Scent-ient machines are making sense of smell and taste

6 years ago

Machines that smell and taste are making their way into the commercial realm after government research and are set to…

DARPA looks to avoid a digital Greek tragedy with IDAS program

6 years ago

DARPA is looking to avoid a digital version of the Greek tragedy of Idas with the launch of the IDAS…

AI will help submarine crews better understand what adversaries are doing underwater

6 years ago

Artificial Intelligence will help submarine crews to better understand what their adversaries are doing underwater by combining and analyzing multiple…

WSU prof warns 5G ‘will utterly destroy us’ as Ericsson predicts 45% adoption in 5 years

6 years ago

As Ericsson predicts 45% 5G adoption worldwide over the next five years, a WSU professor tells The Sociable, "We will…

UN enlists blockchain in Afghanistan for transparency in rebuilding process

6 years ago

As part of its "City for All" program the UN is looking to blockchain technology in Afghanistan for secure and…

AI technology starts to eat into society’s food waste

6 years ago

With 1.3 billion tons of food wasted in our society each year, we look at a number of emerging approaches that…