Telzio Launches Browser-Based Softphone, Adding Fierce Competition to the WebRTC and Business VoIP Market

7 years ago

The ability to work remotely has become a high priority among job hunters. HR departments, through the use of technology,…

Bringing Citizens And Politics Closer together in New York City, Thanks to a New AI Powered Political Assistant

7 years ago

Given New York city's metropolitan vibe, consisting of a rich melting pot of many cultures, it probably comes as no surprise…

Why nonprofits need to embrace tech in social connectivity

7 years ago

We live in the information age and technology is an aspect of our daily lives, but it is seemingly lacking…

5 Ways to Become a Better Content Writer

7 years ago

From advertisements and social media to blogs and press releases – content is everywhere and is bound to only evolve…

Becoming a digital artist and how to promote your work

7 years ago

What do you desire? This was a question posed by the famous British philosopher Alan Watts, and as you can see…

Wolf Flow Launches Desktop Software to Revolutionize Productivity and Organization in the Workplace

7 years ago

Wolf Flow, a productivity software company, announces the launch of its desktop application that empowers users to efficiently manage their…

Zenodys ICO Opens the World’s First Digital Asset Marketplace

7 years ago

Zenodys, an Internet of Things (IoT) development platform, today announces the launch of the world’s first digital asset marketplace with…

Abartys Health talks about starting-up in Puerto Rico after raising $1.45M in April

7 years ago

Abartys Health talks about the incentives of building a startup in Puerto Rico after raising $1.45 million last April. (more…)

Canada’s first autonomous vehicle (AV) technology and innovator directory announced

7 years ago

In celebration of National Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Day on May 31, 2018, the Kanata North Business Association (KNBA) is pleased…

AI, Machine Learning open new possibilities into JFK assassination research

7 years ago

Just as the US government released a new batch of declassified documents last month regarding the JFK assassination, Microsoft began…