Why Eyeglasses Continue To Be Unaffordable, And What Can Be Done About It

7 years ago

Mark Agnew is CEO and Founder of Eyeglasses.com, a leading online retailer of eyeglasses, prescription lenses, and sunglasses. On October…

UN World Food Program taps blockchain startup for school lunch tracking in Tunisia

7 years ago

The United Nations World Food Program is leveraging a blockchain technology startup to track school lunches in Tunisia, so that…

#DontForgetPuertoRico project founder talks rebuilding after Hurricane Maria

7 years ago

As you may remember, Puerto Rico was hit by a category 4 hurricane six months ago, Hurricane Maria. Or you…

World Cup Tech and Video Assisted Referees: Who Do We Yell At?

7 years ago

With just months to go until the 2018 FIFA World Cup takes hold in Moscow, Russia, controversy is already in…

Twisting the Tweets: Assange’s Gag Goes Much Deeper Than Catalonia

7 years ago

Wikileaks editor Julian Assange loses his internet connection through a tricky twist of Tweets, but it wasn't just about Catalonia;…

The importance of security in the modern BYOD workplace

7 years ago

Our workforces are now more mobile than ever. Whether they are working from home, on the road giving presentations or…

3 hacks for optimizing online video across social media platforms

7 years ago

Online video for business has the power to attract new clients, drive revenue, and bolster brand awareness when combined with…

Admitad Launches Mobile SDK, The First Solution For Advertisers To Track CPA Statistics From Mobile

7 years ago

Cost per action (CPA) affiliate marketing network Admitad today announces the launch of its free-of-charge Mobile SDK solution for CPA tracking.…

Cloud-bound rebound: GoDaddy to migrate majority of infrastructure to AWS

7 years ago

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. GoDaddy's attempt at an Amazon-like cloud server product in 2016 lasted just about…

Where Will AI Stand in the Security War?

7 years ago

Since computers first became useful tools, there has been malware to infect them. In the nearly 50 years since the…