Apple Takes A Bite Into The Driverless Car Market

8 years ago

Apple has been redefining the way we use technology since their launch in 1976. But now, the multinational technology company…

White Hat Worms and Cyber Wars: The IoT is Vulnerable and Growing

8 years ago

As tensions between the US and North Korea continue to rise, many fear that a lack of diplomacy between the…

Using tech to empower healthcare in remote communities with limited access

8 years ago

Access to healthcare is a hot topic in mainstream politics, but few in the West know what it's like to actually…

From Waterboarding to Watermarking: CIA Implants MS Docs to Track Whistleblowers

8 years ago

The CIA is using a beacon that watermarks Microsoft Word documents to track whistleblowers, journalists, informants, and other targets of…

Rwanda, Microsoft Partnership to Digitally Transform Education, Produce Global Citizens

8 years ago

In an effort to produce global citizens, Rwanda's partnership with Microsoft will see a digital transformation in the education system…

The Kayak of Online Streaming Platforms With One Algorithm to Rule Them All

8 years ago

One single algorithm allows users to search across multiple streaming platforms including Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Vudu, YouTube, and more. (more…)

Terence McKenna’s cyberdelic evolution of consciousness as it relates to AI

8 years ago

If AI doesn't have the ethics of Buddha, Terence McKenna once said, then the human race may be down for…

Down the Rabbit Hole: Top 3 Alternative Theories on AI with Mainstream Concerns

8 years ago

Without labeling them conspiracy theories out of respect for the authors, nor looking to endorse any particular idea, we present the top…

MI5, CIA used Samsung Smart TVs to secretly listen-in on conversations: WikiLeaks

8 years ago

WikiLeaks reveals that both British and American intelligence agencies used an implant on Samsung TVs to secretly listen-in on user…

How to Keep up on Mobile Payment Security as Societies Go Cashless

8 years ago

Nowadays mobile payment apps have made life of common man easier, by offering a platform for making payments for almost…