3 Questions Startups Must Ask to Form the Right Business Alliances

Max Feneck, Head of Global Alliances at CloudBlue PSA To multiply their resources, maximize their efforts, and catalyze innovation, more…

3 years ago

Horasis USA Meeting to Help Answer Questions on America’s Role in Post-Pandemic World

Foreign affairs are top of mind as global news wades through headlines on topics that many hoped we wouldn't see…

3 years ago

CloudBlue launches new solution to streamline IaaS practices for MSPs

In a move to further the cloud capabilities of IT managed service providers (MSPs), CloudBlue, a leading cloud ecosystem technology…

3 years ago

Stepping into the metaverse: A look at NFTs and all things blockchain in our digital future (Podcast episode)

If you have heard of the term Non-Fungible Token (NFT) or the metaverse and wondered what these things are, then…

3 years ago

Cyber pandemic preppers: Cyber Polygon 2022 to focus on ‘digital resilience in the cloud age’

The World Economic Forum (WEF), Interpol, and BI.ZONE are teaming up again on July 8 for Cyber Polygon 2022 under…

3 years ago

Vaccine passports are digital identity schemes that can expand to include credit history & online behavior: WEF report

The unelected architects of the great reset agenda are sprinting towards a global system of social credit through all-encompassing biometric…

3 years ago

Ingram Micro Cloud to Support Infrastructure Across Industries, Provide Google Cloud Platform in North America, UK, and France

In their recent market report on rapidly accelerating technological advances and the importance of data literacy, McKinsey predicts what some…

3 years ago

Survey Sparrow: Helping Businesses Ask the Right Questions

The Great Resignation, an era that still seems to be looming over many industries' shoulders in 2022, shows that companies…

3 years ago

Vivaldi to Help Battle Web Browser Privacy Pitfalls

Google is again changing the game on  the way we're tracked around the web, and the shift could have significant…

3 years ago

22 Ventures Gives Advice for Healthy Investor Relationships in 2022

The business world is changing rapidly in 2022. If accelerated globalization and escalating technology weren’t enough, businesses across the board…

3 years ago

Congress hears testimony on whether ARPA-H should be independent agency or part of NIH

Should the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) be an independent agency under Human Health Services (HHS) or part…

3 years ago

White House science & tech policy chief resigns hours before he was to testify in ARPA-H hearing

The White House director of science and technology policy resigns on the eve he was set to testify in Congress…

3 years ago

Itiliti Health: Helping insurers streamline patient authorizations to relieve administrative headaches

Imagine going to school for twenty years with the goal of saving lives in mind, only to step into a…

3 years ago

Accefy: Securing Spaces For Coexisting

Even before the pandemic, there was a shift occurring in workplace culture. What started as only 14 coworking spaces in…

3 years ago

The Sociable’s Top 20 Sustainable Technology Innovations for 2022

With the passing of new regulations in support of the Paris Climate Agreement, the paradigm has shifted around the globe…

3 years ago

Who has access to your NFTs and crypto when you die? (Podcast episode)

Have you ever wondered what will happen to your NFTs and crypto when you die? Well, if you don’t have…

3 years ago

DARPA preps 5-year MELT program to develop high energy lasers for directed energy applications, drone swarms

The Pentagon's research funding arm is prepping a five-year program to develop high energy laser sources for directed energy applications…

3 years ago

Connect: Logistics, competition sparking conversation between logistics startups and the media

An event focused on the supply chain, its problems, and more importantly, some of its potential solutions, is coming to…

3 years ago

WEF warns quantum computing stakeholders may risk ‘physical harm’ from ‘anti-technology’ protesters, calls on big tech, media & govt to immunize ‘misinformation contagion’

The unelected globalists at the World Economic Forum (WEF) are looking to control the quantum computing narrative by calling on…

3 years ago

Cargamos: Helping Latin America Join The Digital Retail World

Latin America (LatAm) has a culture that has been known for its face-to-face business transactions, with its own set of…

3 years ago