Green concrete: how ecological engineering is helping protect our coastlines

As human invasion of coasts and marine space is inevitable, our planet faces several problems in increased storminess and sea…

5 years ago

Technology alone does not enhance competitiveness: Cornell Prof Soumitra Dutta

"Technology has to be combined with a strong national vision, investments in education, and a supportive business environment to enable…

5 years ago

South Korea one step closer to autonomous vehicles with 5G launch

South Korea becomes the first Asian country to launch nationwide 5G networks, which brings it one step closer towards implementing…

5 years ago

Royal Canadian Navy to integrate augmented reality based systems

Recent adoption of augmented reality (AR) by the Royal Canadian Navy reveals that the technology is being used militarily with…

5 years ago

Momentum in Pakistan is all about corporate innovation, tech to scale startups

While simultaneously helping startups to scale, Momentum, Pakistan's leading tech conference, is going through its own scaling process, making this year's…

5 years ago

Kickstarter’s unionizing demand may spark knowledge workers’ quest for seat at the table

Two weeks back, the Kickstarter staff announced plans to unionize with the Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPIEU). If…

5 years ago

GCHQ announces startup grads from secret Manchester accelerator base

The GCHQ accelerator in Manchester, UK is so secret that not even its location can be made public, but the…

5 years ago

The New York Times’ Nick Casey on Venezuela’s energy blackout and crypto on The Sociable Podcast

On this episode of The Sociable Podcast, we will be speaking with The New York Times Andes Bureau Chief Nicholas…

5 years ago

Bitcoin’s energy usage: acceptable or otherwise?

Last Thursday, The Economist claimed that Bitcoin was unlikely to progress, expressing a number of concerns - prominent amongst them, energy…

5 years ago

Whiskey barrels towards blockchain, challenges for bootleggers on the horizon

As whiskey and fashion companies begin to implement blockchain-based goods tracking systems, is the game up for counterfeiters? (more…)

5 years ago

Is virtual reality the future of social networking?

The VR industry is experiencing unprecedented growth, reaching over $27 billion in 2018. Market analysts predict the worldwide VR market…

5 years ago

Will kitchen robots change the way we eat?

Imagine coming home from a particularly stressful day at work. You feel ravenous, so you put fresh ingredients into a…

5 years ago

4D printing to put 3D in the shade

Much has been publicized about 3D printing and the revolution that it has brought in terms of material design and…

5 years ago

Nanoweapons of macro destruction, what can the future bring?

Trade is not the only aspect where the US and China are at loggerheads. Vying for military supremacy is a…

5 years ago

How AI is helping combat deforestation

A world without rainforests is virtually incomprehensible. Forests cover around 30 percent of the planet’s land area, yet deforestation continues…

6 years ago

‘Google is aiding Chinese military’ while still on Pentagon advisory board

The Pentagon accuses Google of aiding the Chinese military while Google's ex-CEO and current VP of wireless services are both…

6 years ago

Mobile office tools to help digital nomads find their working zen

While many may embrace minimalism for the mental or stylish benefits, learning to live with the basics is an essential skill…

6 years ago

And the winner of Publicize Connect Miami is… Smarthop

At the very beginning, there were 6 startups. After an event with fierce competition, a winner was selected. Startups participating…

6 years ago

DARPA launches Polyplexus social network with 3 tech incubators

DARPA launches a public social network called Polyplexus for research and development, which contains three incubators covering Quantum Machine Learning,…

6 years ago

Is edtech functioning as it should in the classroom?

A new generation always gravitates towards technology. Remember when we used to wait for computer class, just to get to…

6 years ago