Synthetic data for leveling the tech playing field

Big data has been the preserve of the largest tech companies, but synthetic data may be about to level the…

6 years ago

Who are the new beneficiaries of the sharing economy?

In this age of having electronic communication on our finger tips, there is no doubt that the sharing economy has…

6 years ago

Preparing for an AI future with McAfee VP Candace Worley: podcast

On this episode, we will be speaking with Candace Worley, the vice president of McAfee, one of the most well-recognized…

6 years ago

Are we edging closer to microchipped future?

Whilst many people are afraid of a move towards invasive technology, perhaps any downside risk with the use of microchip…

6 years ago

Tech solutions to humanitarian crises from Davos to Salamanca

Over a million migrants arrived in Europe in 2015. More than 800,000 journeyed from the sea and nearly 4,000 souls…

6 years ago

Picking apart polyglottal practices on the web

Currently, our planet speaks 7,097 languages. Twenty percent of the approximately 7.5 billion people living on the planet, around 1.5…

6 years ago

DARPA to exploit quantum computing without quantum computer

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is looking to fund research into quantum computing without having a fully-operational quantum computer.…

6 years ago

Where is my flying car‽

What do Back to the Future, Star Trek, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets have in common? They allow us to dream…

6 years ago

Navigating the invisible landscapes of remote working with Running Remote

Navigating the invisible landscapes of remote working can be akin to one who is exploring and charting new territories with…

6 years ago

When will driverless deliveries become the norm?

Some time ago, we looked at services which were on the cusp of offering driverless deliveries.  At what point in development…

6 years ago

Ride sharing services create secondary business opportunities

Ride sharing isn't just about sharing space in a car with a total stranger, but a whole slew of secondary…

6 years ago

What’s your buzz? Decoding Jargonaut technobabble

You must have heard of DevOps, a set of software development practices that brings together software development and information technology…

6 years ago

Tech and abuse: how technology is tainted by social bias

If a technology promotes social bias, should we keep it around? All technical developments reflect the society in which it…

6 years ago

An opportunity for startups to pitch to the media in Miami

A rare opportunity for startups awaits in Miami on March 20. This will be no ordinary pitch competition. Instead, the…

6 years ago

The entertainment awards wars: streaming vs cinema experience

Recently, revered filmmaker Steven Spielberg has expressed his discomfort at Netflix’s film Roma winning the Oscar for Best Picture. According…

6 years ago

Who will benefit from IoT disruption in home insurance?

The Internet of Things (IoT) has shown much promise to disrupt many industries, but for home insurance, who will benefit…

6 years ago

What the devil is angel tax and how is it building economies?

There is a reason investors investing in startups are called ‘angels’. The capital and the support that they empower startups…

6 years ago

What content owners need to consider when choosing between ad-based and subscription-based models

Not too long ago, people used to have all of their music stored on massive hard drives, or on their…

6 years ago

Embracing the power of Earth with green geothermal energy

As we constantly look for green sources of energy to carry on as we do on this planet without hurting…

6 years ago

Are you really buying Facebook’s privacy-focused vision? Op-ed

TheFacebook launched on the exact same day DARPA's LifeLog project was reportedly killed. The vision of LifeLog is congruent with…

6 years ago