Three dating apps to watch in 2018 – Invite and Meet, Waving and Lively

7 years ago

When you think of dating apps, Tinder is probably a name that comes to mind pretty quickly. The revolutionary dating…

10 Ways to Motivate Anyone to Stop Texting While Driving Immediately

7 years ago

Have you been a passenger of a friend or family member who was driving and to your surprise, while they…

‘Old sales models in permament decline, marketing is present and future’: Interview

7 years ago

In this interview sponsored by Out of the Box Innovations, Founder Jason Lavis talks with The Sociable editor Tim Hinchliffe…

Cryptocurrencies: A Perfect Storm

7 years ago

A perfect storm is forming on the horizon. Can you see the flashes of light getting closer? A cold front…

The rise of native advertising, and what the future holds: Interview

7 years ago

Advertising has always required creativity. The more unique and creative the advert is, the more it stands out, attracts attention,…

Changing Course and Programming New Habits into Your Life or Business

7 years ago

If you have a vision of change for your life or your business, today is the day to get started…

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence Startups

7 years ago

Many startups find their success by introducing easier and more efficient ways to do things. From lightning-fast search engines to…

The AI revolution in defense technology is happening faster than we think

7 years ago

As the legendary Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw mused in his "Maxims for Revolutionists" (1948), "If history repeats itself, and…

The Future of DACA? Interview with Mike Galarza

7 years ago

The past year has been incredibly turbulent for Dreamers, as the future of DACA has been on a rollercoaster ride…

Why does Israeli spy agency Mossad invest in startups via Libertad Ventures?

7 years ago

The Mossad spy agency of Israel is expected to make another open call to invest in startups through its VC…

Artificial vs Emotional Intelligence in Machine Learning

7 years ago

MIT has launched a new project, the MIT Intelligence Quest, whose aim is to “advance the science and engineering of…

Cyberbullying isn’t going anywhere; here’s how to deal with it

7 years ago

What was once said on the playground or under one’s breath at an annoying coworker has made a home in…

A peek inside the transhumanist agenda

7 years ago

In a startling leap towards a future that many thought only existed in sci-fi, a Wisconsin high-tech company, Three Square…

Psychology, Entrepreneurship and the Corporate world: Interview with Psychotherapist Ruschelle Khanna

7 years ago

In recent years, the industry of self-improvement has snowballed into a multi-billion dollar industry. In fact, the total U.S. self-improvement…

Pentagon tech is grossly flawed, AWS frontrunner in JEDI cloud procurement

7 years ago

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the most likely frontrunner to receive the Pentagon's cloud procurement dubbed the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure…

How to research your audience before producing an explainer video

7 years ago

Making an explainer video, or any kind of content, for that matter, is not just about diving into it and…

How to Spend a Digital Marketing Budget in 2018

7 years ago

When the head person of the biggest social network comes out saying the network is shifting focus in a way…

The Future of Business: Technology Every Organization Should Know About

7 years ago

With autonomous vehicles roaming the streets, flying cars released to the public, and holographic technology in cell phones, it’s easy…

Venture Summit West final registration call, over 150 VCs, 140 startups confirmed

7 years ago

The final call for registering at Venture Summit West ends tomorrow, March 8. The event has over 150 Venture Capitalists…

Avoiding toxins around your home

7 years ago

There are a slew of every day household items we use that we might not even realize are harming us…