Cloud Leader CloudBlue Highlights Top Partners in Live Return

3 years ago

The pandemic profoundly affected many aspects of our lives, and our jobs were no exception. With the work population shifted…

Ex-cult member details life inside Netflix’s ‘Wild, Wild Country’ documentary (Podcast Episode)

3 years ago

You may have heard of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and his followers, commonly known as Rajneeshees or sannyasins, from the incredibly…

Connect: Blockchain & Web3 Competition Announces Its Winner, NFT Company Reveel

3 years ago

Connect, an event by Publicize, brings together startups to pitch their ventures to a panel of media judges and receive…

DARPA wants to model how ‘disinformation’ flows from fringe to mainstream platforms

3 years ago

DARPA is looking to automate its understanding of how information flows from fringe to mainstream platforms with a new AI…

World’s largest Cloud marketplace to host Miami award ceremony honoring women, charities, and efforts of biggest partners

3 years ago

As Miami shifts to become the innovation hub of Web 3.0 and the greater tech industry, the lessons learned in…

Horasis Global Meeting Is Back To Discuss Ukraine, Inflation, and More

3 years ago

Worldwide, the price of everything is rising faster than it has since 1981, while the way we used to trade…

15 Rising Blockchain Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2022

3 years ago

Today, it’s safe to say that crypto has overcome its initial marginal status. It’s not just the niche investors who…

Endowed by their Creator: exploring ‘human’ rights in the age of transhumanism

3 years ago

In giving themselves godlike abilities, the technocratic elites are moving towards a transhumanist future powered by their own intelligent design…

How VCs are creating the “Uberfication of Therapy” that is purely profit focused (Podcast Episode)

3 years ago

It may come as no surprise that many are still feeling the psychological impact of the pandemic. And, as mental…

Programming a Better Future For The Next Generation of Latin America

3 years ago

Latin America (LatAm) is a region that has witnessed profound change over the last year and a half. Finally catching…

Fourth industrial revolution will change the character of war, enable advanced influence campaigns & information warfare: RAND

3 years ago

The so-called fourth industrial revolution will fundamentally "change the character of warfare" with advanced influence campaigns, information manipulation, cyberattacks on…

How One App’s New Feature Will Help Eradicate The Lingering Aftermath of COVID-19’s Isolation

3 years ago

COVID-19 and its variants are still around, but the lingering after-effects seem to be slowly diminishing in their severity as…

‘Five Eyes’ countries urge critical infrastructure groups to prepare for Russian cyberattacks

3 years ago

Citing malicious cyber activity as being "part of the Russian playbook," countries belonging to the "Five Eyes" intelligence alliance issue…

The Biennale: A look into the world’s longest-running contemporary art exhibition in Venice

3 years ago

The Venice Biennale, founded in 1895 as an exhibition of new art from around the globe, continues this year with…

WEF & WTO push ‘global digital identity of persons and objects’

3 years ago

"We, the People" risks becoming "They, the Product as a Service" for those who control the data and set digital…

How virtual, algorithmic ADHD diagnosis tech can keep people from falling through the cracks (Podcast Episode)

3 years ago

From time to time, in one way or another, most of us can relate to having an inability to focus,…

Volunteers of America and Humana Foundation launch startup incubator to innovate solutions to US healthcare equity crisis

3 years ago

Parallel universes exist within the US healthcare system, with factors like race, ethnicity, and income determining the level of access…

The fourth industrial revolution & the great reset: programming people like CBDCs with digital ID

3 years ago

With its fusion of our physical, biological, and digital identities, the fourth industrial revolution under the great reset is poised…

The Good, Bad, and Ugly of Buy Now, Pay Later

3 years ago

Lending programs, otherwise known as Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) have infiltrated almost every capitalistic exchange that exists in society…

Prestigious Institute Names Financial Female Expert Into Its Fellowship to Help Transform Business For The Better

3 years ago

Ethical standards in the business world are quickly escalating—with 63% of customers wanting to see more ethical practices from companies.…