One such company stands out above all the others, in my opinion. That was Ultimate Play the Game. Their first four releases were for the 16KB Spectrum, and right from the start it was clear that they were several cuts above the average company. The games were simple but tremendously addictive, with neat graphics and – for the Spectrum – rather good sound. The next two releases were more ambitious, aimed at the 48KB model, and they, too, were smash hits.
The upshot of that is that we, the eager public, had no clue what was coming up until the adverts appeared in the magazines, and even then we didn’t learn much, as this advert for Sabre Wulf illustrates.
Sabre Wulf was great, a huge game with lovely big colourful graphics that effortlessly zipped about the screen.
But it was nothing compared to what Ultimate gave us a few months later: Knight Lore. Again, all we knew was the name, until we loaded up the game and started to play. Knight Lore wasn’t the first Spectrum game to use isometric 3D (that was 3D Ant Attack, released a year earlier by independent programmer Sandy White) but it was the first one that actually looked good. The complexity of the programming – and the speed at which the game ran – absolutely blew everyone away. Remember: in those days there were no dedicated graphics cards or anything of that nature. Everything you saw on screen was there because the programmers themselves worked out how to put it there.
Years later, when Ultimate’s co-founder Tim Stamper gave one of his rare interviews, he strongly hinted that Knight Lore had actually been finished before Sabre Wulf – but they chose to hold off on its release because the market just wasn’t ready for it. In other words, they were so far ahead of their competitors that Knight Lore would have utterly destroyed them. Imagine if today Toyota announced a flying car that was one hundred per cent safe, was fuelled by sea water and cost the same as an ordinary family car… Wouldn’t that be great? I’m not saying that Knight Lore was as big a technological leap as that, but it was still pretty darned impressive.
(Floppy disks, cassette recorders… Crikey, I’m really dating myself now! Which is ironic in a way, because back in the 1980s no one would date me. Sigh.)
The user connected the recorder to the computer and pressed “Record” (more accurately, we had to press “Play” and “Record” at the same time) then instructed the computer to “save” the data or program that we didn’t want to lose forever. The computer recorded a series of high-pitched noises onto the tape. Imagine a Scrillex track in a blender, that’s what it sounded like. Later, when we wanted to re-load the program, we played the tape back. After first rewinding it of course.
Trouble was, the Microdrives weren’t exactly reliable. The tapes sometimes got jammed inside the cartridge, or they’d stretch, rendering the data useless. Plus they cost about eight quid each, a lot of money in those days.
The Microdrive was the first strong indication that, perhaps, not everything Sinclair invented was going to be brilliant…
The Spectrum was followed up in 1984 by the Sinclair QL. It was aimed at the small business market and it missed its target by about half a light-year. Mostly this was because even though floppy drives were now readily available and getting cheaper all the time, the guys at Sinclair figured, “Hey, we spent a fortune inventing these Microdrives – let’s not let all that effort and money go to waste. Let’s build a couple into each QL! Yeah! Screw the industry standards – people’ll buy our stuff because we’re friggin’ GODS!” (I’m paraphrasing here, of course).
But even with the dreaded rattly little Microdrives built in, the QL might have been successful if Sinclair had made it compatible with the Spectrum. Not doing so was a huge, huge mistake. If it had been possible to run Spectrum programs on the QL, they’d have sold a hundred times as many units. Heck, if it had been even possible to convert Speccy programs for the QL, that would have been something (OK, it was possible, but not easy: completely different processors, operating systems and architecture meant that every program would have had to be redesigned from scratch – which wasn’t worth the trouble considering how few QLs had been sold).
And then came the Sinclair C5. You don’t want to know. Really, you don’t. [Note to editor: please don’t be encouraged to insert a photo of a Sinclair C5 here – we don’t want to traumatise the readers any further!]
Over time, Sinclair released other Spectrum models. The Spectrum+ came first. Internally it was identical to the 48KB model, but it had a new case with a slightly better keyboard. This was not overly popular because the new case meant that lots of the existing peripherals would no longer fit. Then came the 128KB model, which (Sinclair having learned from the QL debacle) was backwards-compatible with the 48KB model, and featured a few rather nice new enhancements.
Then Sinclair went bust, was taken over by Amstrad, and we were treated to a succession of new Spectrums: the +2, +2A, +2B and the +3. Not many people cared by that stage, because we’d all moved on to bigger machines like PC-compatibles, Amigas, or the Atari 520ST.
The golden years of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum were over, but those of us who were there, on the front-lines, spending night after night burning the midnight oil at both ends as we attempted to develop complex programming algorithms that would explain why we didn’t have social lives, those years were memorable.
So, yes, if you’re looking at the Speccy and thinking about how astonishingly primitive it is, you’re right. It’s primitive now. But it wasn’t primitive back then.
I bought mine in mid-1983, taught myself to program it, and a couple of years later was a proficient enough programmer to leave my job in the post office and move into the computer industry, where I remained for almost fourteen years and earned a heck of a lot of money. Which is not a bad return on a £99 investment.
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View Comments
Great post, next year it's the turn of the MSX !
Great post, next year it's the turn of the MSX !
I remember with great fondness as a kid at school, getting my first job in a little computer shop in Plymouth called Syntax Computers. I got the job because I managed to sell one of these lovely little squishy keyboarded bundles of joy to someone who wasn't sure what to buy. I think it was Spectrum vs Commodore 64. I never liked the C64 as I was not good enough coder to write those amazing demos that existed at the time!!!
I'd done something boring like moire pattern generator, or bouncy 3d square with hidden face removal ... uber simply stuff by today's standards.
So I got a Saturday job there. Sold all sorts there. Sinclair, Commodore, Amstrad, MSX. All pre PCs. Well, affordable PCs for a retail shop in Plymouth.
I remember the "wobbly RAM packs" ... oh my god!!! What a curse. A gentle breeze from an open window would be enough to cause a reset!!!!
Now? Several decades as a business software developer and more recently cloud-based infrastructure (I'd not say "architect", but I know enough).
And all because I enjoyed playing around with that rubber keyboard where every key had at least 5 different functions on it.
Ah... Those were the days children. You just don't realise how good you now have it with your voice recognition and cloud storage. And the internet!! Why I can remember having to use a modem to dial up a bulletin board system which, if was busy, would not allow you to dial in. And if someone thought wanted to make a phone call and picked up the handset to dial the number (and yes, I DO know you're all wondering what I'm on about!) ... Ha!
Thanks for the article. Nice to reminisce.