Question mark
Question and answer service Quora has introduced embeddable quotes, allowing users to easily post Quora content to blogs and other websites.
Embedding content is really simple. Webmasters and publishers can choose to embed a full answer using the ‘Embed’ button, or instead select only the portion of content they want to distribute and click on the ‘Embed Quote’ hover button that appears.
Supplying users with official embed code encourages sharing elsewhere and extends Quora reach and visibility. It also allows Quora to control the look and feel of its content around the web.
Quora states that embeddable content “extends the distribution and impact writers on Quora have”, but it will also help Quora gain some needed exposure.
Despite being founded by two former Facebook executives Adam D’Angelo and Charlie Cheever, and having raised $61 million in funding back in 2009, it’s still a relatively little known service.
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