South Korea one step closer to autonomous vehicles with 5G launch

6 years ago

South Korea becomes the first Asian country to launch nationwide 5G networks, which brings it one step closer towards implementing…

Royal Canadian Navy to integrate augmented reality based systems

6 years ago

Recent adoption of augmented reality (AR) by the Royal Canadian Navy reveals that the technology is being used militarily with…

Momentum in Pakistan is all about corporate innovation, tech to scale startups

6 years ago

While simultaneously helping startups to scale, Momentum, Pakistan's leading tech conference, is going through its own scaling process, making this year's…

Kickstarter’s unionizing demand may spark knowledge workers’ quest for a seat at the table

6 years ago

Two weeks back, the Kickstarter staff announced plans to unionize with the Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPIEU). If…

GCHQ announces startup grads from secret Manchester accelerator base

6 years ago

The GCHQ accelerator in Manchester, UK is so secret that not even its location can be made public, but the…

The New York Times’ Nick Casey on Venezuela’s energy blackout and crypto on The Sociable Podcast

6 years ago

On this episode of The Sociable Podcast, we will be speaking with The New York Times Andes Bureau Chief Nicholas…

Bitcoin’s energy usage: acceptable or otherwise?

6 years ago

Last Thursday, The Economist claimed that Bitcoin was unlikely to progress, expressing a number of concerns - prominent amongst them, energy…

Whiskey barrels towards blockchain, challenges for bootleggers on the horizon

6 years ago

As whiskey and fashion companies begin to implement blockchain-based goods tracking systems, is the game up for counterfeiters? (more…)

Is virtual reality the future of social networking?

6 years ago

The VR industry is experiencing unprecedented growth, reaching over $27 billion in 2018. Market analysts predict the worldwide VR market…

Will kitchen robots change the way we eat?

6 years ago

Imagine coming home from a particularly stressful day at work. You feel ravenous, so you put fresh ingredients into a…