Are we edging closer to a microchipped future?

6 years ago

Whilst many people are afraid of a move towards invasive technology, perhaps any downside risk with the use of microchip…

Tech solutions to humanitarian crises from Davos to Salamanca

6 years ago

Over a million migrants arrived in Europe in 2015. More than 800,000 journeyed from the sea and nearly 4,000 souls…

Picking apart polyglottal practices on the web

6 years ago

Currently, our planet speaks 7,097 languages. Twenty percent of the approximately 7.5 billion people living on the planet, around 1.5…

DARPA to exploit quantum computing without a quantum computer

6 years ago

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is looking to fund research into quantum computing without having a fully-operational quantum computer.…

Where is my flying car‽

6 years ago

What do Back to the Future, Star Trek, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets have in common? They allow us to dream…

Navigating the invisible landscapes of remote working with Running Remote

6 years ago

Navigating the invisible landscapes of remote working can be akin to one who is exploring and charting new territories with…

When will driverless deliveries become the norm?

6 years ago

Some time ago, we looked at services which were on the cusp of offering driverless deliveries.  At what point in development…

Ride sharing services create secondary business opportunities

6 years ago

Ride sharing isn't just about sharing space in a car with a total stranger, but a whole slew of secondary…

What’s your buzz? Decoding Jargonaut technobabble

6 years ago

You must have heard of DevOps, a set of software development practices that brings together software development and information technology…

Tech and abuse: how technology is tainted by social bias

6 years ago

If a technology promotes social bias, should we keep it around? All technical developments reflect the society in which it…