Virtual & Augmented Reality: The next gold rush of tech industry?

9 years ago

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are here to stay. With billion dollar investments from the likes of Facebook, Microsoft and…

How can enterprises lessen the strain of more than half the workforce being overwhelmed by work & family commitments?

9 years ago

Working demographics have changed over the last 30 years and as a result, challenges on working families are more intense.…

Free Skype calls in Japan & Ecuador but what about the rest of the world?

9 years ago

Skype has temporarily offered free calls to and from mobiles and landlines in Ecuador and Japan as a means to…

SEO lessons from the most successful social media campaigns

9 years ago

Social media marketing is one of the smartest ways to get the attention of the world. The worldwide web is…

Job-stealing restaurant robots fired for incompetence & the future of the workforce

9 years ago

The robots are coming (and going) when it comes to positions in the service industry after restaurants in China had to…

UW research into DNA storage backs up ancient shamanic knowledge

9 years ago

With the successful retrieval of digital data encoded in snippets of synthetic DNA sequences, the University of Washington (UW) has…

Open source database security gets a significant boost

9 years ago

Data is a vital asset for all businesses. However, there are so many risks that data faces when it is…

A tale of 2 brothers: the smart furniture revolution from Latin America

9 years ago

There are never enough hours of sleep these days, and if you’re lucky one night to be in bed at…

US Army researching 3D soldier avatars, advancements in medical field

9 years ago

What was once Hollywood science fiction, 3D soldiers are now being developed by the US Army to virtually simulate high-risk…

6 myths about content recommendation networks

9 years ago

Content recommendation networks are nearly everywhere, from major news websites to the smallest, most personal of blogs. The reason for…

Digital Colonialism: Facebook’s agenda to limit connectivity in developing countries

9 years ago

Facebook has been working hard to spread its influence to developing nations; however, it's not about providing access to all of…

Facial recognition: the new makeover of the selfie in 2016

9 years ago

The art of the selfie, the smartphone trend that has rocked the internet, until now has been limited to the…

How Microsoft’s AI chatbot ‘Tay’ turned incestuous Nazi accurately reflects our society

9 years ago

Microsoft's AI chatbot, Tay, turned into a foul-mouthed, conspiracy-theorist with a familial fetish for the Third Reich in less than…

#StopIslam trending on Twitter, mostly condemning anti-Muslim rhetoric

9 years ago

While the smoke still hasn't cleared from the attacks in Brussels this morning,  #StopIslam is already trending on Twitter, mostly condemning…

Customizable apparel app for self expression attracts music industry partnership [Interview]

9 years ago

The Sociable caught up with Billy Shipp, the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of custom apparel app, Yoshirt, to find out…

Twitter can now detect drunk Tweets just in time for St. Patrick’s Day

9 years ago

While most of the Irish diaspora throughout the world is slamming down Guinness and Jameson today, researchers have come up with…

7 Lessons to pitch your startup like Donald Trump would

9 years ago

Love him or hate him, you can't deny that Donald Trump is doing a rather great job at rallying (a…

Microsoft’s ‘Decoded’: The importance of coding best practice

9 years ago

Microsoft’s Technical Fellow John Shewchuck discusses the importance of coding best practices with Node expert Isaac Schlueter. (more…)

A ‘Sociable’ feast at the GEC Medellin: tales of nervous encounters, death by selfie & police prostitution

9 years ago

Nervous laughter initiates 15 second elevator pitches where young, bespectaled boys stand arms folded, stammering out buzzwords as men in…

Reinforcing cultural ties with modern tech for an ancient language, Arabic

9 years ago

Learning any second language is certainly difficult. But what about learning a language that reads right to left, has 13…