YouTube is celebrating 50 years of manned space flight by premiering a feature length film which recreates Yury Gagarin’s first…
Google’s algorithmic change targeting content farms and low-quality websites introduced last month has been rolled out globally to benefit all…
O2 Ireland wants you to share a happy thought on Twitter or Facebook to help promote young people’s mental health…
The prestigious Digital Hub Best in Show 2011 competition will be inviting entries from students studying a creative media subject…
Continuing on from the success of last year’s Digitise the Nation campaign, the Irish Internet Association (IIA) are staging another…
Hacker group Anonymous plan to stage a 24-hour sit-in protest this Saturday April 16 in Sony stores worldwide. The offline…
While U.S. President Barack Obama’s security team was in Moneygall, Co Offaly, last week they were too early to pick…
Talk about a hard sell. The Irish web domain and hosting company, BlickNight Solutions, has launched a campaign to promote…
A passenger on board a transatlantic flight from San Francisco to Paris has captured a remarkable timelapse video of the…
According to market research firm Gartner, Android will power almost half of the world’s smartphone market by 2015. Android, Google’s…
A European Space Agency astronaut, Flight Engineer Paolo Nespoli @astro_paolo, has been on tour in the International Space Station since…
Google Transparency Report, the search giant's server analysis tool has added realtime analytics and added data about local outages, the…
Under MediaSift’s DataSift brand the freemium service will allow users to search and filter Twitter’s full firehose of content according…
Google have just released Google Maps 5.3 update for Android that introduces a Google Location History dashboard, allows users to…
Sebastian Thrun is an expert on AI, Artificial Intelligence, and he is on a personal mission. As director of the…
Dublin based internet telephonics company Blueface have recently released an iPhone app, known as Banter, that claims to save customers…
Luas operator, Viola, will install free Wi-Fi on Red and Green line trams "in the coming months," the Railway Procurement…
You may call him defiant, or foolhardy, but in one week Mark Krieger will do something that would make most…
Sony CEO Sir Howard Stringer may have inadvertently admitted that Sony image sensors will be used in the iPhone 5.…
Following on from our article on Wednesday we talked to Irish Rail spokesman Barry Kenny about Twitter, user comments, and…