The BBC has released its first trailer, called “Beyond the computer,” promoting the various platforms the iPlayer is now available on. While few of the platforms are new the trailer marks another step in the BBC’s major multiplatform/digital push for London 2012.
Speaking a month ago the BBC said it was aiming to broadcast London 2012 with “unprecedented coverage” across all imaginable platforms, to create “the first truly digital Games.” The iPlayer will be major part of this strategy, although the Olympic coverage will also be a major test of the BBC’s ability to stream HD content to millions of homes during the Games.
And you can see why; speaking in May the corporation said;
- [The BBC will cover] Every Olympic event, sport and venue live, on-demand and interactive on, with up to 24 live HD streams and 2,500 hours of coverage
- Pages for every athlete, sport, venue and country across, enabling detailed access to real-time updated Olympics data, statistics and news
- High quality coverage that’s personal and social, enabling audiences to follow and “favourite” every athlete, sport, event and country and get tailored updates, as well as access live updates, Twitter visualisations and social media commentary.
This year’s Games will be available across “all four screens,” PC, mobile, tablet, and TV (including smart TVs). According to the broadcaster this multiplatform approach is a response to the significant advances in the digital landscape since Beijing 2008.
The trailer will be first broadcast during prime time on Saturday on BBC 1.
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