Categories: Social Media

How to find out where your Twitter followers are located

The Sociable's follower locations to city level

Out of simple curiosity or as an important aspect of social campaign monitoring, a new service known as TweepsMap analyses your Twitter followers and graphs their location by country, state or city.

The service, which launched last month, places colour-coded Twitter birds on specific world map locations depicting the percentage of one’s Twitter followers at that certain location. Red and yellow birds denote areas of high follower concentration, while blue denotes normal to low concentrations.

The service does not exist without its challenges. Most Twitter users only reveal which country they’re from, and not state or city, meaning accuracy is often only available at country level. There are also around 10% of Twitter users who declare no account location at all, so this must also be taken into consideration.

We analysed The Sociable’s 1,400+ Twitter followers and found that, unsurprisingly, 57% are located in Ireland, 14% in the United States and 8% in the United Kingdom.

The Sociable's Twitter followers by country

The TweepsMap service also allows users to embed their own statistical maps and charts on websites using small bits of code known as widgets, and intends to launch a premium service for power-users in the future.

Albizu Garcia

Albizu Garcia is the Co-Founder and CEO of Gain -- a marketing technology company that automates the social media and content publishing workflow for agencies and social media managers, their clients and anyone working in teams.

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