Digital Public Infrastructure will enable public, private entities to control your access to essential goods, services & mobility

March 20, 2025


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Digital Public Infrastructure is a top-down agenda coming from unelected globalists, bureaucrats, and their partners in government and industry to enrich themselves and gain more power and influence by monitoring and controlling every aspect of our lives from the cradle to the grave: perspective

If you thought three years of COVID restrictions and lockdowns were bad, Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) rollouts will enable public and private entities to use those same coercive measures again for whatever reason.

Digital Public Infrastructure is a civic technology stack comprised of three fundamental components: digital ID, fast payment systems, and data exchanges between government agencies, businesses, and citizens.

Earlier this month, the World Bank published a report entitled, “Digital Public Infrastructure Development: A World Bank Group Approach,” in which the authors claimed, “The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the value of DPI, demonstrating that countries with existing DPIs were able to deliver emergency assistance faster and more effectively.”

COVID was the catalyst, or the excuse, to bring about total digital surveillance and control over the people.

“The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated how countries with an established digital health infrastructure were better positioned to implement contact tracing, vaccine distribution, and telemedicine services, highlighting the critical need for such systems to be developed as public goods rather than proprietary solutions”

World Bank, Digital Public Infrastructure Development, March 2025

The report praises India for its DPI system during COVID as over one billion citizens already had an Aadhaar digital ID through a carrot and stick approach, along with government overreach, so these people could be easily tracked, traced, and jabbed with the help of AI to hunt them down.

According to the report:

AI and ML were pivotal in augmenting DPI during India’s massive COVID-19 vaccination drive. The CoWIN platform, built using an open-source platform DIVOC (Digital Infrastructure for Verifiable Open Credentialing), used AI algorithms to optimize vaccine distribution, appointment scheduling, and real-time monitoring.”

In a more sinister twist of language that uses Marxist jargon, the authors claim that “AI helped predict demand patterns and ensure equitable vaccine allocation across different regions.”

This is pure propaganda.

What the evidence points to is that the government of India used AI to comb through over a billion digital identities to find out who wasn’t vaccinated, and then went and forcibly vaccinated them.

For anyone they couldn’t forcibly vaccinate, those people weren’t allowed to go anywhere or do anything without having a QR coded vaccine passport.

The forced vaccinations were a complete affront to human rights and bodily autonomy.

They were also unconstitutional.

On May 2, 2022 the Supreme Court of India ruled that no individual could be forced to get vaccinated owing to “bodily integrity and personal autonomy,” under Article 21 of the Constitution.

As the Indian Express reported at the time:

“Seeking ‘review’ of vaccine mandates, the bench of Justices L Nageswara Rao and B R Gavai said: ‘Till the infection rate remains low and any new development or research finding emerges which provides due justification to impose reasonable and proportionate restrictions on the rights of unvaccinated individuals, we suggest that all authorities in this country, including private organizations and educational institutions, review the relevant orders and instructions imposing restrictions on unvaccinated individuals in terms of access to public places, services and resources, if not already recalled.'”

What happened in India could happen anywhere else in the world, but the risks to civil liberties run much deeper with DPI.

If you live in a country that is promoting DPI, you will have a digital ID by default.

That digital ID will be required for financial transactions, whether they be done via Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), stablecoins, or tokenized deposits — all of which are fully programmable and fully traceable.

Any new law or corporate policy can change permissions, or levels of access to goods, services, and mobility for any given reason thanks to digital ID, programmable digital payments, and data exchanges.

For many public and private entities, COVID was an opportunity to test new means of digital surveillance.

Now, they can use those same digital tools to incentivize, coerce, or otherwise manipulate the population into compliance for any given reason.

We experienced first-hand what they did during COVID lockdowns, but now they can impose similar draconian measures under the guise of fighting climate change via net-zero policies like carbon emissions allowances.

They can do the same for combatting disinformation, misinformation, and hate speech; for illegal immigration purposes; for cybersecurity reasons; for election fraud; for poverty; for just about any crisis, real or perceived, that they declare.

If you say something they don’t like on social media, they can de-rank, de-monetize, and de-platform you, so you have no voice.

If you go over your allotted carbon allowance, they can prevent you from purchasing things like meat or gas, or they can make them unbearably expensive.

If your skin isn’t the correct color, you can be denied entry to certain spaces, or be declared ineligible for certain services based on what your digital ID says about your complexion.

Basically, if you don’t agree with their narratives, especially those having to do with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), or if you don’t comply with their rules, they can just lock you out of the system, so you can’t buy anything or go anywhere or even find gainful employment.

And they are already conflating one “crisis” with another, so the combinations are never ending.

For example, on April 8, 2021 former CDC director Rochelle Walensky declared that “racism is a serious public health threat that directly affects the well-being of millions of Americans.”

If you marched against COVID lockdowns, you were a super-spreader putting everyone in danger, but if you marched for BLM and supported the subsequent riots that killed people and damaged businesses, you were making the world a healthier place.

Other globalist groups claim that climate change is a public health crisis as well, and that drastic measures are needed in order to protect what they call “planetary health.”

It just goes on and on and on, and it will all be monitored and controlled through DPI.

“A DPI approach embeds principles around inclusion, data protection, and user-centricity, and advocates for strong safeguards to ensure that no one is left behind”

World Bank, Digital Public Infrastructure Development, March 2025

This DPI system only works; however, if everyone on the planet has access to reliable electricity and internet, and there are powerful groups working on that — not for the good of the people; they’ve never cared about that — but for getting people hooked up to the digital gulag that is Digital Public Infrastructure.

They say that this is “to ensure that no one is left behind.”

However, the goal is to keep you dependent on the government for all life events in this algorithmic ghetto, but where the government isn’t legally allowed to encroach, the private sector can step-in to take its place.

That’s the diabolical side of public-private partnerships.

Through the merger of corporation and state we get corporatism and fascism where government laws are written and enforced on one side, and corporate policies (terms of services) are made and enforced on the other, and the two work hand-in-hand to create a techno-totalitarian state.

With its public-private data exchanges, DPI is designed to be interoperable across borders, which further weakens the sovereignty of nation states.

This is another attempt at a one world government that supersedes physical borders in an invisibly digital way.

The DPI agenda does not come from the will of the people.

Digital Public Infrastructure is a top-down agenda coming from unelected globalists, bureaucrats, and their partners in government and industry to enrich themselves and gain more power and influence by monitoring and controlling every aspect of our lives from the cradle to the grave.

Image Source: AI-generated by GROK


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