The great reset represents the destruction of individual autonomy and national sovereignty using ‘Tools of the New World’: perspective
Smartphones, bank accounts, and digital ID — the so-called “tools of the New World” — align with the great reset agenda and are merging with the Internet of Bodies (IoB).
Officially launched in June of 2020 by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and King Charles III before he became king, the great reset is a top-down agenda to revamp all aspects of society and the economy.
Powering the unelected globalists’ great reset agenda are technologies emerging from what WEF founder Klaus Schwab calls the “fourth industrial revolution,” that will ultimately lead to “the fusion of our physical, our digital, and our biological identities.”
Last month, India’s digital ID architect Nandan Nilekani told the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that everybody should have a digital ID, a bank account, and a smartphone as they were the “tools of the New World” for digital public infrastructure.
Eventually, these three tools can merge into one ecosystem — the Internet of Bodies (IoB) — which exemplifies that fusion of our physical, biological, and digital identities that Schwab and the WEF champion.
Smartphones, in their current form, will one day become obsolete, and we are already starting to see glimpses of a future where new kinds of devices will be required to interact with everything from contactless payments to the coming metaverse.
These devices include wearables like augmented reality headsets and earbuds that can decode brain activity, but they also include devices that can be implanted into the human body, along with sensors that read your biometrics.

As Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said of the metaverse in his Connect 2021 keynote, “There are going to be new ways of interacting with devices that are much more ‘natural.’
“Instead of typing or tapping, you’re going to be able to gesture with your hands, say a few words, or even just make things happen by thinking about them.”
Bank accounts, too, are beginning to merge with the IoB, as evidenced by grocery stores that allow you to pay with a swipe of your palm or a scan of your face.
And digital ID is the glue that binds these technologies to the individual, and it allows public and private entities to control what level of access you have to certain goods and services.
As a World Economic Forum (WEF) digital identity insight report from 2018 describes, “This digital identity determines what products, services and information we can access – or, conversely, what is closed off to us.”

Digital identity is the all-encompassing tool of the New World that connects to a whole lot more than just your bank account on a smartphone.
With regards to the metaverse, “Digital identity is the nexus to an interoperable metaverse,” according to one WEF report.
Concerning financial transactions online, another WEF Agenda blog post says that “Digital identity must […] be the foundational element to our digital economy.”
When it comes to serving the biomedical security apparatus, “[vaccine] passports by nature serve as a form of digital identity,” reads another WEF report.
And in the fintech and banking sectors, “Identification at some level is hence central in the design of CBDCs [Central Bank Digital Currencies]. This calls for a CBDC that is account-based and ultimately tied to a digital identity,” according to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
Additionally, “The most promising way of providing central bank money in the digital age is an account-based CBDC built on digital ID with official sector involvement.”
Today, a smartphone is the primary New World tool by which public and private entities interact with our digital identities, but as the fourth industrial revolution progresses, smartphones will make way for the Internet of Bodies.
From there, every aspect of our lives can be controlled through the merger of digital ID and the IoB, and since these devices will be attached to our bodies, that means they will follow us everywhere while collecting our most intimate and personal data in real-time.
All roads lead to a system of social credit where citizen behaviors can be monitored and manipulated through digital means.
Not up-to-date on your latest mandated medical procedure? You can’t go to school or enter a grocery store.
Want to drive to somewhere outside of your 15-minute city more times than you are allowed in a year? That will cost you.
Criticize unelected globalist policies? You are spreading misinformation, and that is dangerous to our democracy.
Bought too much meat or consumed too much gasoline? Sorry, you’ve reached your carbon limit, and you will have to go without for the rest of the month or else a hefty fine will be automatically deducted from your programmable CBDC in your digital wallet.
This is the type of future that the unelected globalists at the World Economic Forum and their partners envision for society.
This is what the great reset represents — the complete destruction of individual autonomy and national sovereignty in order to usher in a new useless class of so-called “global citizens” who will comply — by force, coercion, or incentivization — with whatever mandates their neo-feudal, technocratic overlords impose upon them.
It all starts with the “tools of the New World” — digital ID, smartphones, and bank accounts.
“Then,” as Nilekani told the IMF last month, “Anything can be done. Everything else is built on that.”