The unelected architects of the great reset agenda are sprinting towards a global system of social credit through all-encompassing biometric digital identity schemes.
In a new report, the unelected globalists at the World Economic Forum (WEF) say that vaccine passports are a form of digital identity, with expansion plans to include your credit history and online behavior.
The WEF report, “Advancing Digital Agency: The Power of Data Intermediaries,” confirms what The Sociable has been warning about since 2020 — that vaccine passports serve as a form of digital identity, which will determine your level of access to goods and services based on your online and offline behavior.
“These [vaccine] passports by nature serve as a form of digital identity” — World Economic Forum, February, 2022
According to the report, “The COVID 19 pandemic has led to a heightened focus on the power of medical data, specifically so-called vaccine passports.
“These [vaccine] passports by nature serve as a form of digital identity.”
While vaccine passports store highly intimate medical data about an individual, the unelected globalists project that digital identity will expand to include your credit history, as well as your online purchasing behaviors, which will be judged by a third-party.
“A digital ID is the electronic equivalent of an individual’s identity card […] and it can also act as a key by storing and deploying permission” — World Economic Forum, February, 2022
We have already seen the real-world effect of vaccine passports on a global scale.
They have done nothing to prevent the spread of COVID-19 as the vaccines themselves have never been proven to prevent transmission, and people are still getting sick after multiple doses.
Even the World Health Organization said that vaccine passports “may increase the risk of disease spread” for this very reason.
What is really happening, as The Sociable reported in August, 2021, is that COVID passport mandates are fueling authoritarian social credit systems and digital identity schemes.
As a result, citizens all over the world have been rising up against their governments’ tyrannical mandates and restrictions that have nothing to do with public health and everything to do with control.
“In digital identity, there may be a need to link the person to their identity and that may require identity verification technologies” — World Economic Forum, February, 2022
The WEF report goes on to say that based on your credit history, your medical history, and your online behaviors, judgments will be made by third-parties.
For example, “A bank decides the attractiveness of an individual for a loan.”
This is called Alternative Credit Scoring, which takes an individuals social behavior, both online and offline, into account in the crediting process while relying heavily on telco data.
According to the WEF report, digital identity schemes include:
- Profile: May include inherent data attributes (such as biometrics) or assigned attributes (such as names or national identifier numbers)
- History: Credit or medical histories, online purchasing behaviors
- Inferences: Judgments or decisions made based on authentication processes, profiles and histories (e.g. a bank decides the attractiveness of an individual for a loan).
Furthering the connection between vaccine passports, digital identity, and crediting, the Illinois Department of Public Health last year began enlisting alternative credit data expert Experian to confirm users’ identities for its Vax Verify portal.
Why would a crediting agency be working with government on proof of vaccination?
All signs point towards a system of social credit.
The ways in which the unelected globalists wish to extract your most intimate data are extremely invasive.
They include devices implanted in your body, your home, and the cities where you live — and all are aimed at collecting as much information about you as possible.
It is a future of constant surveillance in real-time.
Digital ID Future Agency: “Next level of data intermediaries (embedded in body, devices, homes, cities, etc.)” — World Economic Forum, February, 2022
The idea is to leverage the Internet of Bodies (IoB) ecosystem to connect human beings with technology through devices that can be worn, swallowed, or implanted.
This data, too, is part of the digital identity rollout.
The Internet of Bodies “might trigger breakthroughs in medical knowledge […] Or it might enable a surveillance state of unprecedented intrusion and consequence” — RAND Corporation report, 2020

Internet of Bodies Examples, RAND Corporation
According to RAND report from 2020, the IoB “might trigger breakthroughs in medical knowledge […] Or it might enable a surveillance state of unprecedented intrusion and consequence.”
Additionally, “Increased IoB adoption might also increase global geopolitical risks, because surveillance states can use IoB data to enforce authoritarian regimes.”
“Authoritarianism is easier in a world of total visibility and traceability” — WEF Global Risks Report, 2019
Vaccine passports laid the foundation for widespread digital identity adoption.
Digital identity schemes are now laying the foundation for a global system of social credit.
This is just one part of the great reset in action.
Your digital identity can be used against you in the event of a great reset
Unelected WEF globalists push digital identity schemes in digital health inclusion report
COVID passport mandates are fueling authoritarian social credit systems, digital identity schemes
How to track & trace every person, purchase, and protein on the planet & manipulate human behavior
Citizens all over the world are rising up against vaccine passports, lockdowns
A timeline of the great reset agenda: from foundation to Event 201 and the pandemic of 2020