Ron Paul denounces the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) great reset agenda, stating, “The great reset will dramatically expand the surveillance state via real-time tracking.”

Ron Paul
“This great reset is about expanding government power and suppressing liberty worldwide” — Ron Paul
As COVID-19 vaccination and immunity passports are gaining traction among governments, airlines, and entertainment venues, advocates of the great reset agenda want to use these digital surveillance devices as tools for monitoring every aspect of society.
On Monday, January 4, 2021, former congressman Ron Paul denounced the great reset on his weekly column, stating, “This great reset is about expanding government power and suppressing liberty worldwide.”
“The great reset will dramatically expand the surveillance state via real-time tracking. It will also mandate that people receive digital certificates in order to travel and even technology implanted in their bodies to monitor them,” he added.
“The great reset violates our God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” — Ron Paul
In his blogpost, Paul alluded to the WEF’s globalist agenda to peg every person to a digital identity, that, beyond storing health passports, monitors all social interactions, online behavior, and financial records, to name a few.
“The system of tracking and monitoring could be used to silence those expressing ‘dangerous’ political views, such as that the great reset violates our God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” added Paul.
Digital Identity & the Internet of Bodies: Humans as a Commodity, Citizens as Inventory, People as Products
The overall goal of the WEF’s so-called great reset agenda has always been to reshape the global economy and revamp every aspect of society, with or without COVID.
Trust becomes a major concern when you realize that the idea of tracking and tracing every human being on the planet was already championed by the WEF Founder Klaus Schwab years before COVID-19 arrived on the scene.
Another concern is whether to believe that the lockdowns, the limited mobility, the destruction of small businesses, the crashing of the economy, the home evictions, and the largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world are all necessary to stop an “invisible enemy,” along with the subsequent curtailing of freedom that hasn’t been seen in the free world since the beginning of the so-called War on Terror.
“This digital identity determines what products, services and information we can access – or, conversely, what is closed off to us” — WEF report
According to Schwab, the post-COVID fourth industrial revolution will lead to “a fusion of our physical, our digital, and our biological identities.”
In his books, “COVID-19: The Great Reset,” (2020) and “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” (2017), Schwab envisioned a future of tracking and tracing every individual through digital identities connected to the Internet of Bodies (IoB) ecosystem.
For example, in “The Fourth Industrial Revolution,” Schwab noted:
Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used, and so on.
In the near future, similar monitoring systems will also be applied to the movement and tracking of people.
The un-elected elites are optimistic about the IoB, where human beings are connected to the internet via sensors, smart tattoos, RFID chips, health monitoring nanotech, and other digital devices that know when you sleep, when you defecate, or when you’re feeling emotional.

Internet of Bodies Examples, RAND Corporation
Under the great reset, everything we put in-and-on our bodies can be tracked and monitored, from keeping tabs on every ingredient in our meals to the drugs we administer, the tattoos we sport, and the clothes we wear — all will be used to digitally catalogue every aspect of our existence.
According to a recent RAND corporation report, the IoB “might trigger breakthroughs in medical knowledge […] Or it might enable a surveillance state of unprecedented intrusion and consequence.”
Treating humans like commodities means we can be digitally branded like cattle, each of us with our own specialized barcode, much in the same vein as how retailers keep inventory.
The Internet of Bodies “might trigger breakthroughs in medical knowledge […] Or it might enable a surveillance state of unprecedented intrusion and consequence” — RAND Corporation report
“Dystopian scenarios are not a fatality […] the genie of tech surveillance will not be put back into the bottle” — Klaus Schwab, WEF
The digital identity agenda picked-up speed throughout 2020, starting with contact tracing and continuing with immunity passports to monitor and control citizen mobility for the greater good.
After attempting to justify mass surveillance in the interest of public health and safety, Schwab wrote in “COVID-19: The Great Reset” that in the post-pandemic era “the genie of tech surveillance will not be put back in the bottle,” and that “dystopian scenarios are not a fatality.”
Selected Excerpts from “COVID-19: The Great Reset”
Now that information and communication technologies permeate almost every aspect of our lives and forms of social participation, any digital experience that we have can be turned into a “product” destined to monitor and anticipate our behavior.
The pandemic could open an era of active health surveillance made possible by location-detecting smartphones, facial-recognition cameras and other technologies that identify sources of infection and track the spread of a disease in quasi real time.
Dystopian scenarios are not a fatality. It is true that in the post-pandemic era, personal health and wellbeing will become a much greater priority for society, which is why the genie of tech surveillance will not be put back into the bottle.
The combination of AI, the IoT and sensors and wearable technology will produce new insights into personal well-being. They will monitor how we are and feel, and will progressively blur the boundaries between public healthcare systems and personalized health creation systems – a distinction that will eventually break down.
Freedom is a concept seldom valued among the un-elected bureaucrats when referring to the great reset agenda.
What are Digital Identities?
Identity encompasses everything that makes you unique.
By connecting your every online/offline interaction, your digital identity records:
- Every click, comment, and share you make on social media
- Every financial transaction you record
- Your location and where you travel
- What you buy and sell
- Your personal health data and medical records
- The websites that you visit
- Your participation in civic functions (i.e. voting, taxes, benefits, etc.)
- How much energy you consume
- And more
Thus, your digital identity becomes an account of your social behavior, which can also be policed.
According to a WEF report from 2018, “Our identity is, literally, who we are, and as the digital technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution advance, our identity is increasingly digital.”
“This digital identity determines what products, services and information we can access – or, conversely, what is closed off to us.”

Image Source: World Economic Forum
Contact tracing and immunity passports are just two drops in a digital identity bucket list of social control measures that the world’s elites have been planning for years.
These measures were not initially conceived as a response to the coronavirus, and the solutions presented have always been about controlling social behavior, redistributing wealth, re-appropriating land use, and giving more power to corporations and government under a new form of “stakeholder capitalism.”
Contact tracing and immunity passports as part of an overall digital identity are a means to an end.
In the grand scheme of things, immunity passports are also a continuation of broader surveillance measures under the blanket of serving the public good.
And while digital identities show great promise towards improving the livelihoods of millions, they are also used by authoritarian governments to profile and police citizen behavior.
Authoritarian Use of Digital Identity
Digital identities have already been rolled out by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) under its authoritarian social credit system.
From “deadbeat debtor” contact tracing apps that alert citizens with a warning whenever they come with 500 meters of someone who is in debt to the DNA phenotyping of over 1 million Uyghurs sent to “re-education” camps — the CCP is a living example of some of the horrible ways in which digital identities can be exploited.
In China, if a “netizen” has “broken trust” in one area of society, they are not able to access essential goods and services such as the ability to rent a home, travel, rent a car, go out to restaurants, and so on (watch the end of the state-run propaganda video below).
In the near future, beyond travel and mobility between countries, people who rely on public transportation, those who wish to attend cinemas and concerts, or anyone wanting to enter public buildings such as schools and universities, may soon have to contend with showing proof of immunity from COVID-19 and/or other contagions.
While tracking, tracing, and proving immunity can be greatly effective in reducing the risk of transmission and protecting those most vulnerable, these digital passports also risk enabling a global surveillance state that tramples over the constitutions of free nations the world over.
Great Reset Envisions a ‘Citizen-Centered Welfare State’
Between 2014 and 2017, the WEF called to reshape, restart, reboot, and reset the global order every single year, each aimed at solving various “crises.”
- 2014: WEF publishes meeting agenda entitled “The Reshaping of the World: Consequences for Society, Politics and Business.”
- 2015: WEF publishes article in collaboration with VOX EU called “We need to press restart on the global economy.”
- 2016: WEF holds panel called “How to reboot the global economy.”
- 2017: WEF publishes article saying “Our world needs a reset in how we operate.”
In 2020, the coronavirus was the catalyst needed to enact the great reset plan that had been bubbling under the surface for years, and immunity passports are just another step in the overall plan to track and trace every citizen through their digital identity.
When politicians, captains of industry, and bureaucrats talk about the need for a great reset, they are referring to an ideology that was put in place way before COVID-19 was ever a thing.
All it took was a global crisis to make their final push towards a technocratic utopia where you and I own nothing, have no privacy, and live in a “citizen-centered welfare state.”
“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future” — Klaus Schwab, WEF
“The world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions,” Schwab declared in June, 2020.
“Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a ‘great reset’ of capitalism,” he added.
Since Schwab’s declaration, heads of state past and present, royalty, and the media have all jumped on board the great reset train towards the nefarious “new normal.”
But some have been pushing back.
Great Reset Resistance
Apart from Ron Paul denouncing the great reset earlier this week, Brazil’s minister of foreign affairs, Ernesto Araujo, has also publicly denounced the un-elected, globalist ideology, tweeting last month, “Brazil stands for freedom. No to the ‘great reset.'”
Araujo told a special session of the United Nations in December:
“Totalitarian social control is not the remedy for any crisis.”
“Those who dislike freedom always try to benefit from moments of crisis to preach the curtailing of freedom. Let’s not fall for that trap,” he added.
The pandemic must not lead to totalitarian social control or the abrogation of fundamental freedoms. Freedom is foundational to the UN and essential to human dignity.
Brazil?? stands for freedom.
No to the “Great Reset”
My speech at UN session on Covid:
— Ernesto Araújo (@ernestofaraujo) December 4, 2020
“Totalitarian social control is not the remedy for any crisis” — Ernesto Araujo, Brazil’s Minister of Foreign Affairs
Last year, the WEF backed multiple immunity passport and digital health credentialing projects that are rolling out now, such as Travel Pass (developed by WEF partner IATA), Common Pass (developed by WEF partner Commons Project), and Covid Pass (developed by a WEF Young Global Leader).
Also in 2019, the European Commission (EC) was already planning on rolling out vaccination passports across the European Union by 2022, according to the EC “Roadmap on Vaccination 2019-2022” report, which was last updated Q3, 2019, well-before the global crisis.
Health passports can be used to free-up mobility in a safe way for the benefit of billions, or they can be used to deny citizens access to certain goods and services, especially when pegged to someone’s overall digital identity.
All of the dystopian scenarios laid out in this article may not come to fruition, and all the technologies described can be enlisted to help liberate society out of sickness, poverty, and despair.
My biggest concern is in placing all my trust in the hands of the wealthy and powerful who fund, develop, and have a vested interest in the use and control of the technology and its governance.
Author’s Note: I have removed the following paragraph for lacking context because it was leftover from a section that didn’t make it to the final cut: “Tracking our movement and social behavior is one part of the globalists’ great reset agenda, but will it stop with the immunity passports? Once we are properly catalogued, modifying our biology and behavior becomes a whole lot easier.”
A timeline of the great reset agenda: from foundation to Event 201 and the pandemic of 2020
Brazil says ‘no’ to great reset: ‘Totalitarian social control is not the remedy for any crisis’
Your digital identity can be used against you in the event of a great reset