If there were ever a time in human history where techno-totalitarianism had “a narrow window of opportunity” to enslave all of humanity, that time is now.
COVID passport mandates represent a turning point in human history.
These health passes make little sense from a public health perspective, but make perfect sense from a globalist takeover of society perspective as they normalize authoritarian social credit systems via digital identity schemes.
The experimental COVID vaccines were designed to minimize symptoms, and they have not been proven to prevent transmission.
Therefore, mandatory COVID passports have almost nothing to do with public health and everything to do with social control.
“If you want to participate in our society fully, you’ve got to get vaccinated” — NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, August 3, 2021
Countries around the world have gone full authoritarian with their draconian measures on vaccine passports, lockdowns, and military interventions.
By coercing, manipulating, and incentivizing individuals to show their papers everywhere they go, nations around the world are quickly becoming police states, and they are looking more like Communist China by the day.
📹| #Australia deploys military to Sydney to help enforce a #COVID19 lockdown
▪️Military drones and helicopters patrol over #Sydney.
▪️Soldiers tell people through siren to disperse or they’ll get fined. pic.twitter.com/TQh3jPdD6F— EHA News (@eha_news) July 31, 2021
The United States is not far behind, at least portions of it.
“If you’re unvaccinated, unfortunately, you will not be able to participate in many things,” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said on Tuesday.
“If you want to participate in our society fully, you’ve got to get vaccinated,” he added.
Do you see where this is going?
“There are still critical unknowns regarding the efficacy of vaccination in reducing transmission and limited availability of vaccines” — World Health Organization, January 15, 2021
Meanwhile citizens all over the world are rising up against tyranny as they fight to preserve their most basic of human rights, freedom.
Protests have erupted throughout Europe, with millions of people taking to the streets in the fight against lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations, and vaccine passports.
Here, we dissect the flawed logic of vaccine passports as a public health measure, the Orwellian ways in which they are being decreed, and the dystopian path they are leading society on towards digital identities and social credit systems.
CDC, FDA & WHO admit vaccines not proven to prevent transmission;
Say ‘more evidence needed’
The CDC, FDA, and WHO all state that the experimental COVID vaccines are not proven to prevent transmission.
“More evidence is needed to determine exactly how well they [the vaccines] stop infection and transmission” — WHO, July, 2021
According to the July 14 update from the World Health Organization (WHO), “More evidence is needed to determine exactly how well they [the vaccines] stop infection and transmission.”
Likewise, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claims, “The risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection in fully vaccinated people cannot be completely eliminated as long as there is continued community transmission of the virus.”
When it comes to the AstraZeneca shot, “No substantive data are available related to impact of AZD1222 on transmission or viral shedding,” according to the WHO.
And according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “The scientific community does not yet know if the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine will reduce such transmission.”
What is the point in imposing COVID passports, for domestic use or otherwise, if the virus will continue to spread whether someone is fully vaccinated or not?
Over the weekend, Dr. Anthony Fauci announced that the level of virus found in both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals was the same.
“When you look at the level of virus in the nasopharynx of people who are vaccinated who get breakthrough infections, it’s really quite high and equivalent to the level of virus in the nasopharynx of unvaccinated people who get infected,” Dr. Fauci announced on Sunday.
“It is likely that SARS-CoV-2 will become endemic, like seasonal flu (or even better contained, like measles, or even eliminated), at which point it will no longer require the emergency and intrusive measures justified by its present transmissibility and fatality” — Ada Lovelace Institute Interim Report, February, 2021
Having crowdsourced evidence from industry and policy experts earlier this year, the Ada Lovelace Institute arrived at the same conclusion as the World Health Organization — that State actors should not move forward with COVID vaccine passport rollouts due to a lack of conclusive evidence regarding the efficacy of vaccination in reducing transmission.
“The expert group came to the view that, at present, vaccination status does not offer clear or conclusive evidence about any individual’s risk to others via transmission,” the Ada Lovelace Institute interim report from February reads.
“Without that, it cannot be a robust basis for risk-based decision making, and therefore any roll out of a digital passport is not currently justified.”
Additionally, beyond the unknowns surrounding vaccine and transmission risks, the group of experts were concerned that COVID vaccine passports could become long-term fixtures well-after emergency measures subside.
“Vaccination status does not offer clear or conclusive evidence about any individual’s risk to others via transmission […] Any roll out of a digital passport is not currently justified” — Ada Lovelace Institute Interim Report, February, 2021
What difference does it make to a fully vaccinated person if he or she comes in contact with a person who isn’t?
Does that have any effect on the person is who is vaccinated?
In Israel, “As many as half of new COVID-19 cases in Israel are vaccinated people,” according to Business Insider.
If the vaccines aren’t proven to stop the spread, what difference does it make to people who are vaccinated if those around them are not?
This is one reason why, for me, it makes no sense to impose COVID passports from a public health perspective.
However, it makes perfect sense to impose COVID passports from a globalist takeover of society perspective, which is the basis of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) great reset agenda.
And oh! how governments, one-by-one, are following the authoritarian globalist playbook in lock step unison as they divide and conquer their citizens and subjects — pitting the vaccinated against the unvaccinated — as a great distraction from the true perpetrators of the rising medical apartheid.
Governments fall into authoritarianism;
Citizens rise up against tyranny & medical apartheid
How quickly governments have moved the goal post from “15 days to slow the spread” to mandatory vaccinations and proof of health just to be out in public.
In France, businesses that don’t enforce COVID passport compliance from their patrons face up to a year in jail and €45,000 (~$52,960) in fines.
The French government has also stopped giving COVID tests for free, so citizens abstaining from the injection will have to pay for a test each and every time they wish to go to a shopping center, restaurant, or cafe.
Do you see where this is going?
What is happening in France is not informed consent; it is coercion.
When President Macron made the decree that freedom was dependent on vaccination status, 800,000 French citizens lined up to be injected within 24 hours.
Manifestants (deux manifs) en nombre à Paris contre le pass sanitaire – 24/07/2021#Manif24juillet #Manifs24juillet #manifestation #PassDeLaHonte #VaccinObligatoire #COVID19 #HealthPass #VaccinePass #VaccinePassports
Voir sur YouTube (HD) : https://t.co/hNdk30vg4Y pic.twitter.com/1wMA61vPn7
— TV YÉ ! (@tvyefr) July 24, 2021
When asked in February about a passport that would allow those inoculated to attend cultural events, France24 reported that French Minister of Culture Roselyne Bachelot was unequivocal in her disapproval, saying it would be “an attack on our freedoms.”
“As a freedom-lover, I can hardly imagine it. If it came to that, it would be a step backwards,” she said.
Five months later, and France has taken an enormous step backwards by passing legislation to lock up private citizens who don’t show their papers.
Do you see where this is going?
But it isn’t just France that has lost the plot with its medical apartheid; the British people are also striking back at their government with massive protests of their own.
JUST IN 🚨 Massive anti-vaccine passport protest in London https://t.co/yi0t3hIAYI
— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) July 24, 2021
According to The Guardian, “From the end of September, people in England will have to prove they have had both Covid doses to enter nightclubs, as well as for what are described as ‘other venues where large crowds gather.'”
In response, protests against the UK’s coercive vaccine passports, authoritarian lockdowns, and business restrictions kicked off in London over the weekend with thousands gathering in Trafalgar Square to demand an end to “tyranny” and “fascism” in their country.
If you go on Twitter and search for vaccine passport protests, you will find videos of hundreds of thousands of people flooding the streets of Paris, Nice, London, Berlin, Athens, Rome, and beyond.
Large anti-vaccine passports protest at Piazza del Popolo in #Rome 🇮🇹
Anti-lockdown and anti vaccination passport protests and heating up around the world, the MSM don’t want you to see what’s taking place! pic.twitter.com/EkYnz0MudZ
— UNN (@UnityNewsNet) July 30, 2021
Knowing full-well that the experimental vaccines are not proven to prevent human-to-human transmission, governments around the world are making it next to impossible for citizens to live a normal life without some type of health passport.
Do you see where this is going?
Israel is now the first country to introduce a third jab, so booster shots may be required for years to come.
How long will this go on?
In April, Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a deal with Pfizer to supply millions of booster doses, with the option to extend into the year 2024.
With COVID passports, it’s not a “one or two shots and done” type of deal.
That is only the beginning.
Next, participation in society will depend upon whether your booster shots are up-to-date, which is something The Sociable warned about in March, along with how the passports threaten fundamental human rights.
But who’s to say health passes linked to digital IDs will stop with measures related to COVID?
If and when vaccine passports or health passes are normalized into digital identity schemes, they can be used for any given “crisis,” such as another deadly virus, climate change, or obesity.
From there, digital identities can be extended to all walks of life with restrictions on what you can buy, where you can travel, what information you are allowed to receive, and other goods and services you wish to access.
Do you see where this is going?
When a person’s freedom is dependent upon what their digital identity says about them, what you have is an authoritarian social credit system.
Vaccine passports, digital identity & social credit systems are designed to manipulate human behavior
The goal of vaccine passports is to manipulate human behavior.
What is happening throughout the world is that governments are first taking away their citizens’ birthright — freedom — and then saying that in order to have it back, citizens must do as their told and change their behavior.
How quickly these digital health passes are descending into tyranny and creating an Orwellian surveillance state that mirrors Communist China’s social credit system through all-encompassing digital identity schemes.
“Digital identity systems could be introduced as part of an emergency infrastructure, but used for different or expanded purposes” — Ada Lovelace Institute Interim Report, February, 2021
According to a WEF report from 2018, “Our identity is, literally, who we are, and as the digital technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution advance, our identity is increasingly digital.”
“This digital identity determines what products, services and information we can access – or, conversely, what is closed off to us.”

Image Source: World Economic Forum
Going back to the Ada Lovelace report, “There were particular concerns in the expert group that digital identity systems could be introduced as part of an emergency infrastructure, but used for different or expanded purposes.”
Therefore, the experts argued that if COVID vaccine passports were to be rolled out in the UK, they should not be attached to a wider digital identity scheme.
Do you see where this is going?
“The wider merits of digital identity systems (for example) must be disaggregated from the immediate health context and considered in their own right,” the report warned.
“The program – modelled on schemes tried in Singapore – is likely to first trial an app allowing people to scan in their weekly shop and track their activity levels” — The Telegraph, July, 2021
And yet on July 23, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson expanded the idea of a digital health pass to be used as a social credit tool in the UK where “families could get rewards for healthy living in new war on obesity.”
According to The Telegraph, “Lifestyle habits such as taking part in a regular run or walking to school daily could be linked to free treats in pilot scheme Boris Johnson is to launch a government-backed rewards program for families switching to healthier food and exercising under radical plans to tackle Britain’s obesity crisis.”
“The program – modelled on schemes tried in Singapore – is likely to first trial an app allowing people to scan in their weekly shop and track their activity levels.”
Additionally, “Pilot schemes will examine how best to incentivize families to make changes to their diet and exercise habits.”
And that’s what it’s all about — tracking activity levels such as vaccination status or what you buy in order to manipulate your behavior.
That is where COVID passes are heading. They are a cog in the digital identity machine that powers the social credit system.
“Just imagine that you are able to give your kids some money in digital rubles and then restrict their use for purchase of junk food” — Alexey Zabotkin, Bank of Russia, Cyber Polygon 2021
Today, it’s about changing behavior around coronavirus and purchasing junk food. What will it be tomorrow? How about six months from now? Five years? Ten?
Speaking of limiting junk food consumption, Bank of Russia’s deputy governor Alexey Zabotkin said that parents could give a Central Bank Digital Currency to their children with certain restrictions, such as blocking them from buying junk food.
“Just imagine that you are able to give your kids some money in digital rubles and then restrict their use for purchase of junk food, for example,” Zabotkin said at Cyber Polygon 2021.
“That would be a useful functionality for a customer, and of course you can come up with hundreds of other similar use cases,” he added.
Do you see where this is going?
“Cash payments over €10,000 […] will be banned under EU rules expected to come into force within three years” — The Irish Independent, August, 2021
Soon, cash purchases of over €10,000 will likely be banned in the European Union.
According to The Irish Independent, “Cash payments over €10,000 for transactions such as car purchases, home improvements or funeral bills will be banned under EU rules expected to come into force within three years.”
As more nations look to Central Bank Digital Currencies, these purchases will all be traced along the blockchain, and the digital currencies can be manipulated to restrict citizens from making certain purchases.
The same digitalization that is going into health passes and currencies is concurrently happening to human beings as well.
The battlefield of today is digital;
Information is the warfare of choice
The digitalization of everything is being used to control, manipulate, and coerce human behavior by tying everything you do to your digital identity.
This is exactly what has already happened in Communist China.
If you don’t comply with their rules in one area, you are restricted in all other areas of life as well.
The genius of this scheme is that it is never ending. It’s always evolving.
What happens when powerful public and private entities decide to finally pull the trigger on climate change restrictions, so you have to eat the bugs, live in the pods, and are forced to lock down every two years?
What will become of the people who are deemed “extremists” by big tech companies colluding with governments?
What happens when all money becomes virtual and there is no more physical cash?
What will you be allowed to buy? Where will you be allowed to go?
Every move you make, every purchase you record, every link you click on, every person you talk to, everything will be monitored, recorded, and passed from your digital identity to public and private entities.
The battlefield of today is digital. Information is the warfare of choice.
Nations are descending into authoritarian medical apartheid with coercive COVID passport mandates that are stripping away the rights of citizens to participate freely in society.
COVID health passes are a stepping stone towards digital identity schemes that feed social credit systems used by public and private entities — through coercion, manipulation, or incentivization — to deny citizens access to essential goods and services.
Do you see where this is going?
If there were ever a time in human history where techno-totalitarianism had “a narrow window of opportunity” to enslave all of humanity, that time is now.
Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem.
A timeline of the great reset agenda: from foundation to Event 201 and the pandemic of 2020
Your digital identity can be used against you in the event of a great reset
COVID vaccine passports threaten fundamental rights of citizens who opt-out
Big tech COVID-19 surveillance data & censorship threaten privacy & free speech: op-ed
How to track & trace every person, purchase, and protein on the planet & manipulate human behavior