Behind nearly every WEF climate and pandemic proposal is a technocratic solution facilitating the unelected globalists’ great reset agenda by way of the fourth industrial revolution.
When COVID came along, the WEF took many of the outcomes it wished to achieve with climate change — less driving and flying, narrative control, and track-and-trace digital surveillance — and imposed them onto the pandemic response, so that the differences in desired outcomes became almost indistinguishable.
“While for a pandemic, a majority of citizens will tend to agree with the necessity to impose coercive measures, they will resist constraining policies in the case of environmental risks where the evidence can be disputed” — COVID-19: The Great Reset, Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret, 2020
Accelerating the erosion of individual ownership, sovereignty, autonomy, privacy, and liberty in the name of fighting both climate change and the pandemic, the architects of the great reset continue to push digital identity for all, programmable digital currencies, mass data collection and surveillance, individual carbon footprint trackers, corporate ESG scoring, less meat consumption, limited travel and mobility, censorship, and the merger of corporation and state through public-private partnerships.
Now that the COVID control narrative is collapsing, climate change is clawing its way back to the forefront, as evidenced by the 31 sessions dedicated specifically to “climate and nature” at this year’s WEF annual meeting.
And just like with COVID, climate change solutions require technologies emerging from the fourth industrial revolution to program, monitor, and enforce compliance.
“Some leaders and decision-makers who were already at the forefront of the fight against climate change may want to take advantage of the shock inflicted by the pandemic to implement long-lasting and wider environmental changes. They will, in effect, make ‘good use’ of the pandemic by not letting the crisis go to waste” — COVID-19: The Great Reset, Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret, 2020

“If, in the post-pandemic era, we decide to resume our lives just as before (by driving the same cars, by flying to the same destinations, by eating the same things, by heating our house the same way, and so on), the COVID-19 crisis will have gone to waste as far as climate policies are concerned” — COVID-19: The Great Reset, Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret, 2020
For the unelected globalists, combating climate change means eliminating fossil fuels and achieving net-zero carbon emissions while implementing the technological means to monitor, measure, and enforce compliance.
Whether these proposals will have any dramatic effect on extreme weather or preventing global warming by the 2030s and 2050s remains to be seen.
What has been observed is that the WEF jumped at the opportunity to exploit the COVID crisis as a means to launch their great reset, an agenda that had already been years in the making.
And the great reset agenda itself is littered with climate activism, as documented by WEF founder Klaus Schwab in his book “Covid-19: The Great Reset,” whose quotes appear throughout this story.
Here’s how the unelected globalists at the WEF are using climate change to advance the same technocratic solutions they proposed during the pandemic in service of their great reset.
Let’s start with digital identity.
Digital Identity For Climate Refugees & Vaccine Passports
Climate change is said to displace millions of people, and the fourth industrial revolution will provide a way to document and aid these “climate refugees” with digital identity.
A WEF Agenda blog post by University of London researcher Maram Ahmed from June, 2019, says that “Climate-related displacement and migration is set to be the greatest challenge of our era.”
Another post by Kyodo News writer Tetsuji Ida from June, 2021 claims that “climate refugees are the world’s forgotten victims.”
“The current refugee crisis and the unique needs of these displaced individuals highlight the limitations of – and potential for – digital identity” — WEF White paper, 2018
Similarly, a WEF white paper on digital identity from January, 2018 states that “sixty-five million individuals – more than at any other time in history – are displaced today due to conflict, drought, famine and other factors.”
Therefore, “The current refugee crisis and the unique needs of these displaced individuals highlight the limitations of – and potential for – digital identity.”
Migrating from climate to COVID, the push for digital identity was accelerated by the adoption of vaccine passports.
“One silver lining of the pandemic is that it has shown how quickly we can make radical changes to our lifestyles” — Klaus Schwab, Now is the Time for a Great Reset, 2020″

“The World Economic Forum is supporting the development and launch of CommonPass, an initiative which aims to develop a global, interoperable framework to safely restore cross-border travel to pre-pandemic levels” — World Economic Forum, October, 2020
Whether it’s for for climate or COVID, unelected globalists have already painted a picture of a future where digital identity is the norm, from proving your refugee status to proving your health status in order to participate in many aspects of society.
WEF blog contributor Dakota Gruener, who previously worked for the Gates-backed GAVI vaccine alliance (launched at WEF 2000) before moving over to leadership roles at ID2020, co-wrote a story in 2019 saying that digital identity could help “cope with the challenges of mass internal migration” due to the climate change crisis that “has forced many Bangladeshis into seasonal migration.”
GAVI is a founding partner of ID2020, and ID2020 is the group behind the Good Health Pass Collective, which is a project dedicated to bringing about digital identity through “vaccine passports” — a term they despise for the work that they do.

“Our risk for infectious diseases is increasing because of climate change” — Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Because of climate change, diseases are supposed to be spreading faster and farther.
According to the April, 2020 WEF Agenda blog post by WHO climate researcher Arthur Wyns called, How our Responses to Climate Change and the Coronavirus Are Linked:
“The expanding range and spread of vector-borne diseases” are among the health shocks that “have a clear climate change signature.”
The CDC similarly claims, “Our risk for infectious diseases is increasing because of climate change.”
In the COVID control narrative pushed by unelected globalists, mass vaccination became the one-size-fits-all solution pushed by public-private partnerships all over the world.
But in order to incentivize or coerce compliance, citizens need to prove their health statuses in order to access goods and services.
“These [vaccine] passports by nature serve as a form of digital identity” — WEF Insight Report, February, 2022
Enter vaccine passports, which by their very nature serve as a form of digital identity, according to a WEF insight report published in February, 2022.
In October, 2020, the WEF announced it was supporting the vaccine passport efforts of the CommonPass project. The WEF have since deleted the announcement from its website, but an archived version may be found here.
We have already seen the real-world effect of vaccine passports on a global scale.
They have done nothing to prevent the spread of COVID-19 as the vaccines themselves have never been proven to prevent transmission, and people are still getting sick after multiple doses.
“A health pass based solely on individual vaccination status may increase the risk of disease spread” — World Health Organization, 2021

Even the World Health Organization said that vaccine passports “may increase the risk of disease spread” for this very reason.
What was really happening with the rollouts, as The Sociable reported in August, 2021, was that COVID passport mandates were fueling authoritarian social credit systems and digital identity schemes.
As a result, citizens all over the world began rising up against their governments’ tyrannical mandates and restrictions that had nothing to do with public health and everything to do with societal control.
With vaccine passports being the excuse to introduce digital identity through the back door, the technological infrastructure was laid to implement another method of total economic and social control — programmable digital currencies, which are also being pushed under the climate agenda.
Programmable & Traceable Carbon and Central Bank Digital Currencies To Coerce Compliance
With the digital identity framework already in place and a desire to drastically reduce carbon consumption, unelected globalists are proposing another 4IR solution to climate change in the form of digital carbon currencies.
As one WEF blog post by EcoSphere+ CEO Lisa Walker from September, 2017 notes, “Carbon credits are the perfect candidate for a digital currency as they are data-driven, rely on multiple approval steps and exist separately to the physical impacts to which they correlate.”
“Carbon credits are the perfect candidate for a digital currency” — WEF Agenda blog, 2017
Carbon credits are a proposed digital currency where people receive credit for things like planting trees or installing solar panels.
For example, “If an individual successfully triggered a reforestation smart contract, they could be paid in a form of tokenized carbon credit, which could in turn be sold to charitable organizations, crowdfunding campaigns, or even companies seeking to prove they have made a green impact,” according to a WEF blog post by Chainlink Labs CMO Adelyn Zhou in June, 2021.
But those who don’t do the “right” thing for the environment can also be punished under the same digital carbon currency scheme, as Zhou points out:
“Through the use of smart contracts connected to real-world data, consumers can automatically receive payments or penalties based on the impact of their consumption habits, creating behavioral changes that simply would not have occurred through education alone.”
Once again, the technocratic measures are all about manipulating human behavior, through incentivization or coercion.
“Consumers can automatically receive payments or penalties based on the impact of their consumption habits” — WEF Agenda blog, 2017
With the technological infrastructure for digital identity already laid through vaccine passports during the pandemic, the push for digital currencies migrated from climate credits to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC).
Digital currencies require users to have a digital identity.
Both carbon credits and CBDC are programmable, which means the ability to put permissions on what people can or cannot buy.
Creating behavioral changes by dishing out rewards or penalties based on constantly monitoring consumption habits, again, sounds a lot like the CCP’s social credit system.
At the same time, the unelected globalists wish to regulate Bitcoin because of its “notoriously high carbon footprint” while demonizing it for enabling ransomware attacks.
And cyberattacks have only increased since governments started implementing lockdowns.
COVID Contact Tracing & Carbon Footprint Tracking
During the pandemic, the unelected globalists at the WEF were particularly giddy about the behavioral modifications created by government-enforced lockdowns that only slightly reduced carbon emissions, but greatly eroded fundamental human rights.
Once again, unelected globalist rhetoric relating to COVID is almost indistinguishable from that of climate change.
“Commuting less, working remotely a bit more, bicycling and walking instead of driving to keep the air of our cities as clean as it was during the lockdowns, vacationing nearer to home: all these, if aggregated at scale, could lead to a sustained reduction in carbon emissions” — COVID-19: The Great Reset, Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret, 2020
Seeing how lockdowns destroyed businesses, depleted savings accounts, and contributed to the greatest transfer of wealth from the middle-to-upper classes in human history, you may soon find yourself forced to consume less, not vacation at all, or walk every where you go because nothing will be affordable.
The infamous catchphrase “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy” starts to make a lot more sense — at least the first half of it.
While lockdowns and vaccine passports made sure that people couldn’t freely travel or participate in many aspects of society — both of which went contrary to the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights — the draconian measures adopted by governments were applauded as a step in the right direction despite their minimal impact on global carbon emissions.
Knowing that draconian lockdowns are nowhere near a “viable decarbonization strategy,” unelected globalists are telling private citizens that they should continue to behave like they did under lockdown by consuming less, vacationing nearer to home, and walking instead of driving.
“Even unprecedented and draconian lockdowns with a third of the world population confined to their homes for more than a month came nowhere near to being a viable decarbonization strategy because, even so, the world economy kept emitting large amounts of carbon dioxide” — COVID-19: The Great Reset, Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret, 2020
According to “COVID-19: The Great Reset,” by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret, “small individual actions (consuming much less, not using our cars and not flying) are of little significance when compared to the size of emissions generated by electricity, agriculture and industry, the ‘big-ticket emitters’ that continued to operate during the lockdowns.”
For private citizens, unelected technocrats propose that everyone’s health status and carbon footprint should be tracked, traced, and measured everywhere they go.
For corporations, they have ESG.
“Individual carbon footprint tracker, stay tuned!” — Alibaba President J. Michael Evans, WEF, 2022
Since unelected globalist climate change policies call for a reduction in carbon, individual carbon footprint trackers for purchases and mobility may soon be required to monitor and enforce compliance.
For businesses, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) scoring can be a blessing or a curse, depending on their line of work and the company they keep.
“Big-ticket emitters” can be punished for their environmental practices, but rewarded for their social justice initiatives while defense contractors can score positively on the social aspect, so long as their bombs have the appropriate flag.
“The crisis will have created, or reinforced, an acute sense of responsibility and urgency on most issues pertaining to ESG strategies – the most important being climate change” — COVID-19: The Great Reset, Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret, 2020
ESG, individual carbon footprint trackers, and vaccine passports are all digital tools designed to manipulate human behavior, through incentivization or coercion, by limiting mobility and restricting the consumption of unfavorable energy and food sources, such as fossil fuels and meat, to lower carbon emissions.
And just like with COVID, the desire to censor what the establishment calls “misinformation” is back in full force regarding climate change.
COVID and Climate Misinformation Is Dangerous for Public and Planetary Health
Three years before the coronavirus pandemic, the WEF published a blog post by Gates Foundation program officer and physician Melvin Sanicas, warning about misinformation in both climate change and vaccine narratives in the same sentence:
“In the 21st century, fake news has been targeting climate change and vaccine safety. Climate-change skeptics have been denying robust scientific evidence being accurately and clearly communicated to them by experts,” Sanicas wrote in 2017.
“For decades, cynical anti-vaccine groups have endeavored to undermine public trust in vaccines with mistrust and misinformation that appeals to emotion over hard evidence,” he added.
“Governments will need to partner with traditional and social media companies to research and develop nimble approaches to countering misinformation” — Event 201 Coronavirus Pandemic Simulation, October, 2019
Fast forward to October, 2019, and the WEF, the Gates Foundation, and Johns Hopkins simulated a coronavirus outbreak in a training exercise called Event 201, which called on governments and social media companies to censor what they consider to be “misinformation.”
“Governments will need to partner with traditional and social media companies to research and develop nimble approaches to countering misinformation,” reads one recommendation from Event 201.
A few months after Event 201, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 had reached pandemic status in March, 2020, and right on cue, big tech companies like Twitter and YouTube began censoring any information that went against WHO recommendations.
They also censored and attempted to discredit any inquiries into whether the virus may have possibly come from a lab in Wuhan, China.
“We don’t monetize any kind of climate change material, so there’s no incentive for you to keep publishing that material that is propagating something that is generally understood as not accurate information” — YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, WEF 2022
“If you are dealing with a sensitive subject like news, health, science, we are going to make sure that what we’re recommending is coming from a trusted, well known publisher that can be reliable,” said Wojcicki.
“We don’t monetize any kind of climate change material, so there’s no incentive for you to keep publishing that material that is propagating something that is generally understood as not accurate information,” she added.
“In the battle for hearts and minds of human beings, narrative will consistently outperform data in its ability to influence human thinking and motivate human action” — WEF Agenda, 2015
Controlling the narrative, be it for COVID or climate change, is central to the great reset agenda.
Why are narratives so effective?
Because, according to a 2015 WEF blog post from a World Bank author:
“In the battle for hearts and minds of human beings, narrative will consistently outperform data in its ability to influence human thinking and motivate human action.”
The Great Narrative to Control Climate and COVID Conversations
The desire to control climate and COVID narratives came to a head in November, 2021 when the WEF launched the “Great Narrative Initiative.”
The great narrative is an attempt to legitimize the technocratic great reset of society and the global economy through storytelling.
This great narrative for the great reset is also about manipulating our behaviors, perceptions, and realities to benefit unelected globalist agendas.
“Narratives shape our perceptions, which in turn form our realities and end up influencing our choices and actions” — The Great Narrative, Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret, 2022
“The grand narrative has lost its credibility, regardless of what mode of unification it uses, regardless of whether it is a speculative narrative or a narrative of emancipation” — Jean-Francois Lyotard, “The Post Modern Condition: A Report on Knowledge” (1979)
The idea of a great narrative is something that the French philosopher Jean-Francois Lyotard called a “grand narrative,” (aka “metanarrative“) which, according to Philo-Notes, “functions to legitimize power, authority, and social customs” — everything that the great reset is trying to achieve.
Authoritarians use great narratives to legitimize their own power, and they do this by claiming to have knowledge and understanding that speaks to a universal truth.
At the same time, authoritarians use these grand narratives in an “attempt to translate alternative accounts into their own language and to suppress all objections to what they themselves are saying.”
“The abundance of fake news and its ability to magnify and manipulate polarization hinders our ability to deal successfully with the momentous collective action problems that humanity faces” — The Great Narrative, Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret, 2022
“The difference between ‘good governments’ and ‘bad governments’ will be measured by how fast they implement the transition to net zero while providing concomitantly a welfare policy that makes societies fairer and more prosperous” — The Great Narrative, Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret, 2022
Fewer than 50 unelected globalists came together to develop the WEF’s all-encompassing great narrative in just under 48 hours in Dubai, UAE from November 11-12, 2021.
In January, 2022, Schwab and Malleret published their latest book, “The Great Narrative,” in which the unelected globalists complained that misinformation was hindering their ability to carry out their great reset and great narrative agendas for technology, society, the global economy, geopolitics, and of course, climate change.
“The abundance of fake news and its ability to magnify and manipulate polarization hinders our ability to deal successfully with the momentous collective action problems that humanity faces,” they wrote.
“At first glance, the pandemic and the environment might seem to be only distantly related cousins; but they are much closer and more intertwined than we think” — The Great Reset, Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret, 2020

Many people tend to agree that taking care of the planet is a good thing for humanity.
However, COVID and climate policy recommendations coming out of the World Economic Forum and other globalist institutions are resulting in more centralized control — control over society, control over the economy, control over people’s movements, control over their purchasing power, and control over energy consumption.
Proponents of the great reset assert that by the 2030s and 2050s the world will be a more resilient, sustainable, and equitable place to live if we all accept their great reset policies.
And who knows? Maybe they’ll be proven right in 10-30 years.
Or perhaps not.
“Countries tend to privilege their national interests over global interests, thus neglecting to do their part when dealing with global issues, leading to outcomes that leave everybody worse off. This is particularly notable in the fight against climate change” — The Great Narrative, Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret, 2022
In the meantime, people are suffering under the weight of these great reset and build back better-inspired policies that are lowering the standard of living for many private citizens.
Fuel prices are skyrocketing, food is becoming more expensive, housing is less affordable, and fundamental human rights are being desecrated in the name of public health and environmental wellbeing.
But all of this was to be expected since the official launch the great reset two years ago.
As one panelist at the WEF’s great narrative meeting put it:
“I would ask you [world leaders] to put off or leave behind your personal interest, or your interest of your country for a moment and engage in a narrative to build a better future for the world.”
In other words, don’t do what your citizens elected you to do for them — do what we tell you to do because that’s what’s best for our technocratic takeover of society and the global economy.