The unelected globalists at the World Economic Forum (WEF) continue to push for digital identity schemes, ESG, and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) while calling on governments and businesses to crackdown on “misinformation.”
Published on June 30, 2022, the WEF’s Future Focus 2025 report is a roadmap for steering society towards a great reset with the help of great narratives.
In the context of “building an inclusive financial ecosystem,” the WEF says that “special efforts must be made to develop […] a digital ID to provide affordable access to financial services by households and SMEs.”
“This report draws from and supports the Forum’s platforms dedicated to catalyzing a new economy
and society” — World Economic Forum, Future Focus 2025

“A digital identity layer should be developed independently of other parts of payment processes” — World Economic Forum, Future Focus 2025
As hundreds of governments explore fully traceable, programmable, and permissions-based digital currencies that will allow central banks to control what you can or cannot purchase, these CBDCs will require that every citizen have a digital wallet pegged to their digital identity.
Therefore, the unelected globalists at the WEF are calling on governments and corporations to “establish rules for digital identity governance.”
“While CBDCs promise to revolutionize payments and deliver efficiencies for consumers (retail or commercial), it is still unclear how their architecture accommodates an identity layer,” the report reads.
“A digital identity layer should be developed independently of other parts of payment processes and systems, such as authorizing/authenticating transactions or applications.”
“These [vaccine] passports by nature serve as a form of digital identity” — World Economic Forum, February, 2022

Digital ID Future Agency: “Next level of data intermediaries (embedded in body, devices, homes, cities, etc.)” — World Economic Forum, February, 2022
Digital identity schemes have been on the rise in recent years thanks to vaccine passports, which according to a WEF report from February, 2022, “by nature serve as a form of digital identity.”
While vaccine passports store highly intimate medical data about an individual, the unelected globalists project that digital identity will expand to include your credit history, social media activity, and your online purchasing behaviors.
And the ways in which the unelected globalists wish to extract your most intimate data are extremely invasive.
They include devices implanted in your body, your home, and the cities where you live — and all are aimed at collecting as much information about you as possible.
It is a future of constant surveillance in real-time.
“The transition to a lower-carbon economy requires a large rewiring of the global economy, with some $3.5 trillion of investment needed annually for decades” — World Economic Forum, Future Focus 2025
“Finance plays a pivotal role in facilitating the transition to a net-zero economy, and innovative approaches are needed to bridge the net-zero funding gap” — World Economic Forum, Future Focus 2025
Lumping together digital inclusion, finance, and the environment is the concept of ESG scoring for allocating and distributing digital payments with programmable CBDCs.
According to the report, “Finance plays a pivotal role in facilitating the transition to a net-zero economy, and innovative approaches are needed to bridge the net-zero funding gap.”
What’s more, “The transition to a lower-carbon economy requires a large rewiring of the global economy, with some $3.5 trillion of investment needed annually for decades.”
A “large rewiring of the global economy” is the same thing as the great reset; just worded differently.
“Some leaders and decision-makers who were already at the forefront of the fight against climate change may want to take advantage of the shock inflicted by the pandemic to implement long-lasting and wider environmental changes. They will, in effect, make ‘good use’ of the pandemic by not letting the crisis go to waste” — COVID-19: The Great Reset, Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret, 2020
Climate change was always the bogeyman of choice of unelected globalists to push their great reset, but when COVID came around, WEF founder Klaus Schwab said that the pandemic represented “a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.”
Now that the COVID control narrative has all but collapsed, they’ve gone back to exploiting the climate change narrative to push the same great reset agenda.
The WEF’s Future Focus 2025 report calls on investors to “instigate greater financial innovation,” which includes “green bonds, green loans, and sustainability linked loans” that can be “implemented at scale.”
ESG scoring is not a mandate from the people, but rather a concept dreamed up by unelected globalist bureaucrats to control the global economy via a great reset, so naturally there is going to be pushback from the general population.
“When lacking data to quantify risks and evaluate their likelihoods, well-formed scenarios developed in a collaborative process can help draw out potential impacts and educate the public on possible threats” — World Economic Forum, Future Focus 2025
In pushing back against the pushback, the WEF proposes labelling any critical thinking that goes against their narratives as misinformation and disinformation.
When there is no hard data to back up their great reset agenda, the report calls on governments and corporations to invent narratives using “behavioral science mechanisms,” which is a fancy way of saying they want to manipulate human behavior.
This is the WEF’s “great narrative” in action, which is an attempt to legitimize their great reset by making up stories about it.
“Narratives shape our perceptions, which in turn form our realities and end up influencing our choices and actions” — The Great Narrative, Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret, 2022
Narratives are great for unelected and unaccountable globalists because, as one WEF blog post from 2015 put it, “In the battle for hearts and minds of human beings, narrative will consistently outperform data in its ability to influence human thinking and motivate human action.”
In the absence of hard data, the Future Focus 2025 report reiterates the importance of narratives, or “well-formed scenarios,” to manipulate perceptions.
“When lacking data to quantify risks and evaluate their likelihoods,” the unelected globalists say that “well-formed scenarios developed in a collaborative process can help draw out potential impacts and educate the public on possible threats.”
And when they say risks, they also talk about threats to their data-lacking narratives, which they call misinformation and disinformation.
“Greater regulation of social networks and protection against false information could help take the onus off individuals to filter out misinformation or disinformation and place the responsibility on the government or businesses overseeing these networks” — World Economic Forum, Future Focus 2025
So, in order to protect their narratives, the WEF calls on corporations and governments to regulate misinformation and disinformation on social media.
“Greater regulation of social networks and protection against false information could help take the onus off individuals to filter out misinformation or disinformation and place the responsibility on the government or businesses overseeing these networks.”
Taking the “onus off individuals to filter out misinformation or disinformation” means they don’t want you thinking and deciding for yourself — that would be too much of a responsibility for you to handle.
Instead, you should outsource your critical thinking and give all your trust to government bureaucrats and unelected technocrats.
In constitutional republics like the United States, placing that responsibility on the government would mean violating the first amendment and infringing upon the freedom of speech.
Placing the responsibility in the hands of businesses, such as social media companies, would mean business as usual as far as censorship goes.
The 134-page report “draws from and supports the Forum’s platforms dedicated to catalyzing a new economy and society,” which is the goal of the great reset agenda.
Ultimately, this report is yet another roadmap for steering society towards the great reset without ever once putting it to a vote of the people.